Indianapolis Tree Removal 317-783-2518
Can I Remove A Live Tree?
Trees that are dead are often removed to prevent accidents and property damage. However, living trees are removed all the time, and for many reasons. Some common reasons why a live tree might need to be removed involve convenience and necessity. For instance, lots must be cleared for new construction (homes, buildings, barns, pools, etc.), large trees must be removed if they interfere with power lines and telephone poles, and more.
Is My Tree Dangerous?
A weakened tree can be a hazard on your property. There are many circumstances that can weaken a tree, including improper tree care, pest infestation, nutrient or water deficiency, co-dominant stems, trunk and basal rot, overextended limbs, limbs with too much weight, wildlife interference, weather damage, construction damage, and more.
Once weakened, a tree loses strength and stability and experiences a reduction in function and performance, which makes it unpredictable, and therefore, unsafe to be around. To identify a tree hazard, there are specific signs to look for. Below are the most evident signs of a dangerous tree. These include over-leaning trunk, large or multiple dead branches, fallen branches, hole in the trunk, leaf loss, rotted root system, and pest infestations.
How Can I Tell if My Tree is Dead or Alive?
A dead tree will eventually fall and deteriorate, so it is important to know the signs. For instance, dead trees do not have leaves, and will not sprout new buds on its limbs and branches. Furthermore, they will have dry, brittle bark that snaps in half. And if you snap a twig in half, it will not be green or fleshy yellow on the inside.
Can an Uprooted Tree Be Planted Again?
When a tree is uprooted from the ground, a number of roots are snapped in half, making them extremely vulnerable. So in many cases, it does not survive. This is because the root system is too damaged to fully recover. This is especially true for large or mature trees. But sometimes, a tree can be saved by replanting it, but only under certain circumstances. And even if the tree can be revived by putting it back into the ground, it could experience problems such as transplant shock. This is why post-replanting care is so vital for the survival of a tree that has been uprooted by inclement weather.
Can I Plant a Tree in Summer?
If you really want to plant a tree in the summer, you will be taking on a risk since heat and dry soil put a lot of stress on a young sapling that is trying to establish a root system. It may last through the summer, but it will have trouble coming out of dormancy for the following season. The reason why the rule of thumb is to plant trees in spring or fall is because trees are in their dormant stage during these times. During dormancy, trees require less water, sunlight, and nutrients. This means their growth is significantly decelerated, making it easier for healthy root development.
How Do I Get Rid of a Tree Stump?
You have two main options for getting rid of a tree stump. These are stump removal and stump grinding. The option you choose depends on your personal preference, budget, and landscaping. Stump removal is the process of pulling the entire stump and most of the root ball out of the ground, entirely. Stump grinding involves using a heavy piece of machinery to chip away and shave down the stump to ground level. From there, the stump can be covered with grass or plants, and a leftover hole from stump removal can be filled with dirt and covered with sod.
How Do I Remove a Tree?
Call Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for experienced Indianapolis tree removal you can trust. We offer a wide range of residential and commercial tree work, including tree removal, trimming, pruning, stump removal, lot clearing, and more. Get started by requesting a free estimate, today.

Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518