10 Tips to Help Trees Survive the Colder Weather

As winter approaches and temperatures start to drop, it’s important to be mindful of how the colder weather can affect your trees. While winter is an important part of the tree’s growth cycle, extreme winter weather can cause damage and even death if not properly cared for. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to help ensure that your trees survive the winter months safely and healthily.

Continue below to learn the top 10 tips for winter tree care that will help keep your trees in top condition throughout the coldest season of the year!

For Winter Tree Service in Indianapolis, Call  317-783-2518 Today!
For Winter Tree Service in Indianapolis, Call 317-783-2518 Today!

Winter Tree Care Tips That Promote Longevity

For your trees to stay happy and healthy through winter, some simple caring steps will help you on your way. Taking the time to prepare your trees now may prove fruitful come springtime. Follow these helpful tips for winter tree care so that your trees remain in optimal condition even during the chilliest season:

1. Water Your Trees Regularly: It might seem counterintuitive, but winter is actually a great time to water your trees – even if it’s cold outside! Giving your trees a deep and thorough watering will help them stay hydrated during periods of extreme cold. Be sure to use lukewarm or slightly warm water for winter watering – cold water can cause damage to tree roots.

2. Prune Your Trees: Winter is the best time of year for pruning, as it gives trees a chance to heal and grow in the spring. Be sure to use sharp tools and follow correct pruning techniques so you don’t cause any unnecessary damage to your trees.

3. Wrap Your Trees: Wrapping your trees before winter arrives can help protect them from extreme weather conditions such as strong winds, ice storms and heavy snow. Make sure you use wrapped that is rated for winter tree protection and fit it snugly around the trunk of the tree without restricting its growth.

4. Fertilize Your Trees: Applying winter fertilizer before winter arrives will help your trees stay healthy and strong. Choose a winter-specific fertilizer that is designed to meet the needs of winter tree care.

5. Mulch Around Trees: A thick layer of mulch around the base of your trees can help insulate their roots from cold temperatures and help the soil retain moisture. Be sure not to over-mulch, however, as too much mulching can actually cause tree roots to rot!

6. Avoid Planting Trees in Winter: While winter may seem like a great time for planting trees, it’s important to remember that winter is a tough season for tree survival. Avoid planting trees in winter and wait until spring when temperatures are milder.

7. Look Out for Pests: Winter is a prime time for pests such as rodents, insects, and even disease to attack your trees. Take some time to inspect your trees regularly throughout winter and look out for any signs of damage or distress.

8. Monitor for Signs of Stress: Extreme winter weather can cause trees to become stressed, so it’s important to monitor your trees regularly and look out for signs of stress such as yellowing leaves or wilting branches. If you notice any concerning signs, contact a tree service company immediately.

9. Protect Trees From Snow and Ice: If your area is prone to heavy snowfall, it’s important to make sure that your trees are protected from the weight of the snow. Place some winter tree guards around the trunks of your trees to reduce the pressure from heavy snow.

10. Seek Professional Help: If you’re having problems with winter tree care or are unsure how to proceed with winter tree protection, it’s always best to consult a professional tree care company in Indianapolis. The team at your local tree service company can provide expert advice and assistance in winter tree maintenance that will help keep your trees healthy and safe throughout winter.

Indianapolis Winter Tree Service is a Phone Call Away

Following these 10 tips for winter tree care is the best way to make sure your trees survive winter safely and healthily. Taking the time to properly care for your trees during winter will ensure that they stay strong and resilient when the warmer weather arrives.

Complete Tree Care is your premier winter tree service provider in the Indy region. Contact us today at 317-783-2518 to request more information about our winter tree services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We provide residential and commercial tree services, as well as storm damage tree service.

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Fundamental Tree Transplanting Tips

One of the most fundamental aspects of gardening is learning how to transplant a tree. This process is not difficult, but there are a few key tips to keep in mind to ensure that your tree thrives in its new location. Continue below to learn some fundamental tips to help you transplant a tree safely.

Tree Transplanting Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-783-2518
Tree Transplanting Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-783-2518

How to Transplant a Tree

When you transplant a tree, you are essentially moving it from one location to another. This can be a daunting task, but with proper planning and execution, it can be done successfully. Here is what you need to know about tree transplanting:

Choose the Right Time of Year

When transplanting a tree, it’s important to choose the right time of year. The best time to transplant is in the fall or winter when the tree is dormant. This will give the tree time to adjust to its new location before the growing season begins.

Pick the Right Tree for the Job

Not all trees are well-suited for transplanting. Some species of trees have shallow root systems that make them more susceptible to transplant shock, while others have deep taproots that are difficult to dig up. Choose a tree that is right for the job and has a good chance of surviving the transplant process.

Dig a Large Hole

When you dig the hole for the new location of the tree, make sure it is at least twice as wide as the root ball of the tree and just deep enough so that the root ball is level with the ground. This will give the roots plenty of room to grow and establish themselves in their new home.

Prepare the Root Ball

Before you transplant the tree, it is important to prepare the root ball. This involves gently removing the tree from its current location and making sure that the roots are not damaged in the process. Once the tree is out of the ground, you can prune away any damaged or diseased roots.

Transplant the Tree

After you have prepared the root ball, it is time to transplant the tree. Carefully place the tree in the hole, making sure that the roots are covered with soil. Water the tree well, and then add mulch around the base to help protect the roots.

Monitor the Tree

Once the tree is transplanted, it is important to monitor it closely. Make sure that the tree is getting enough water and watch for signs of stress such as wilting leaves. With proper care, your tree should thrive in its new location.

Are you looking for licensed and insured tree care services near you? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for affordable tree removal, tree trimming, tree pruning, and all other tree services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We provide residential and commercial tree services, as well as certified arborist services.

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Common Tree Problems That Happen in the Fall

Trees play an important role in our environment. They help clean the air we breathe and provide homes for wildlife. Trees also add beauty to our landscape. But, like all living things, trees need care to stay healthy. Unfortunately, with every passing season comes the risk of certain tree problems, from disease and pest outbreaks to undernourishment, animal tampering, environmental discourse, and more.

This season, be sure to keep your eyes on your landscaping trees. Do not let them become victim to some of the most common tree problems that happen in the Fall. Continue below to learn which problems you should be watching out for.

Tree Trimming Indianapolis Indiana 317-783-2518
Tree Trimming and Tree Care Indianapolis Indiana 317-783-2518

Typical Threats to Landscaping Trees This Time of Year

Most trees experience the majority of their problems during the Fall season. Many of these problems are caused by the changing weather and environmental conditions. Here are some of the most common tree problems that occur during Fall:

Leaf Drop

This is one of the most common problems experienced by trees during Fall. As temperatures cool and days grow shorter, trees begin to drop their leaves. While this is a natural process, it can be problematic for trees that are already struggling. Leaf drop can cause further stress and damage to the tree and can even lead to death in some cases.


Fall is also a prime time for diseases to take hold in trees. Many diseases thrive in the cooler, wetter conditions of Fall. If a tree is already weak or stressed, it is more likely to succumb to disease. Common diseases that affect trees during Fall include leaf spot, powdery mildew, and root rot.


Pests are also a major problem for trees during Fall. Many pests, such as aphids, mites, and scale insects, are attracted to the sweet nectar produced by trees during this time of year. These pests can cause serious damage to trees and can even kill them in some cases.

Wind and Frost damage

Strong winds are common during Fall, and they can cause serious damage to trees. High winds can snap branches, uproot trees, and topple weak or dead trees. Frost can also cause serious damage to trees during Fall. Frost can kill leaves, branches, and even the entire tree in some cases. It is important to protect trees from frost damage by providing them with adequate water and mulch.

Tree Care Tips

Here are some tips on how to keep your trees healthy:

Water your trees regularly. Trees need at least 1-2 inches of water per week, depending on the weather. The best time to water your trees is in the early morning hours before the sun gets too hot.

Mulch your trees. Mulching helps retain moisture in the soil and keeps roots cool in the summer months. Apply a layer of mulch around the tree base but be sure not to pile it too high against the trunk.

Prune your trees regularly. Pruning helps remove dead or diseased branches and encourages new growth. Be sure to prune your trees during their dormant season (winter for most trees).

Watch for pests and diseases. Keep an eye out for signs of pests or diseases, such as discolored leaves or branches. If you see something suspicious, contact a certified arborist for help.

By following these simple tips, you can help keep your trees healthy and looking their best! Need some professional tree care? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed Indianapolis tree service at an affordable price. We serve both residential and commercial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

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Why You Should Mulch Your Trees Every Spring and Winter

Winter is here, and the Spring season is next, so let’s talk about the importance of mulching your trees. Continue below to learn why tree mulching is so vital, not only to the survival of your trees, but also for the curb appeal of your property!

Local Tree Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-783-2518
Local Tree Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-783-2518

Mulching is a Vital Part of Tree Care

Mulch is a man-made product generally composed of organic materials like wood chips, pine needles, manure, and other types of compost. But it can also be made from non-organic materials like rock, stone, geo-textile fabrics, and pulverized rubber. When applied properly, mulch allows soil to retain sufficient levels of moisture. This not only improves the condition of the soil, but it does also so much more!

The Visible Benefits of Tree Mulching:

☑ Promotes overall tree health
☑ Controls weed growth
☑ Insulates soil
☑ Protects tree roots from extreme temperatures
☑ Prevents certain plant diseases
☑ Improves soil aeration and drainage
☑ Gives landscaping a well-groomed look
☑ Mulch decomposition improves soil fertility

The Best Times of Year to Mulch Your Trees

Trees should be mulched at the start of spring, after the ground has thawed from a frozen state. Trees should also be mulched at the start of winter before the ground freezes through. Mulching is an important part of the tree care process, so be sure to stay current on your program. You can choose from a wide selection of mulches, ranging in color, texture, shape, and more. Talk to your trusted Indianapolis tree service provider for recommendations on tree mulching practices for your property. Don’t forget to mulch your shrubs and bushes too!

Tree Protection in Winter

Aside from pruning and mulching, there are several other initiatives you can take on to ensure wintertime survival and optimal spring tree growth. Such undertakings include cabling and bracing, bark repair, integrated pest management, routine inspection, and even dead or hazardous tree removal.

Are you concerned about the condition of your landscaping trees? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed Indianapolis Indiana tree service and affordable price. We serve both residential and commercial clients all throughout central Indiana.

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Bad Tree Mulching Practices to Avoid This Fall
How to Mulch Around a Tree
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Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

Tree Bark Damage Solutions for Indiana

Pest, infestation, harsh weather, lawn mowers, landscape work, home remodeling projects, nuisance wildlife, and vandalism are just some of the common causes for tree bark defects here in Indiana. Because we love our trees so much and value the numerous benefits they bestow onto us, bark damage and decline are things we never want for our landscaping trees. Fortunately, there may be viable recourse for trees with damaged bark.

Continue reading to learn what your options are for a tree with bark damage, and who to call for trusted tree care advice.

Local Tree Care Services 317-783-2518
Local Tree Care Services 317-783-2518

Facts About Tree Bark Damage Repair

When tree bark is damaged, the underlying tissue and wood can be exposed, which is highly detrimental to the tree.  It is crucial to take action as soon as possible before the tree enters a heightened state of vulnerability. Once a tree is too weak, it can lead to extensive bark damage and overall tree decline. 

When you see damaged tree bark, there are some things you need to do right away. You may need to consult a licensed Indianapolis tree service specialist for advice on where to find the proper supplies, how to use them, and the best post-care instructions for your particular tree species.

To repair tree bark in Indiana, you may need to:

▮ Remove all of the loose tree bark.
▮ Provide adequate irrigation and fertilization for the tree.
▮ Look into the possibility of bridge grafting.
▮ Plan and carry out an all-inclusive agricultural care schedule.
▮ Prevent further damage with environmental modifications and routine tree care.

How to Remove Damaged Tree Bark

To remove loose tree bark, you will need a set of sharp pruning shears that have been sterilized (or a knife). Then look for any bark that is loose, flapping, or bruised, and cut off any areas that match these descriptions.  It is important to not damage the inner bark and cambium cell layer that is still alive and intact. You only want to remove outer bark.

Cutting right at the line of decay is the best point of reference for safe tree bark removal.  Providing adequate water and fertilizer is crucial in order to reduce the potential for tree disease and vulnerability. It also promotes strong and sturdy tree growth and tissue repair.

When tree bark is wounded or exposed, various wood-eating and burrowing pests can invade the tree. Emerald Ash Borers, Wood Beetles, and more can harm a tree’s health and damage it even further. Be sure that you are taking the necessary precautions to protect a newly-cut tree from pest infestations, bacterial infections, and fungal growth.

Are you looking for professional tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for expert advice and guidance on residential and commercial tree maintenance. We offer tree removal, tree stump solutions, tree trimming, pruning, and more.

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Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

Fundamental Industry Advice for Tree Pruning

Improper tree pruning can kill trees, so the techniques and methods used to prune trees is very specific. If you care about your landscaping trees, it is wise to learn as much as you can about proper tree care practices, especially when it comes to pruning. Continue reading to review some vital information about tree pruning, trimming, topping, and more.

Indianapolis Tree Pruning Service 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Pruning Service 317-783-2518

Proper Tree Pruning Standards

The Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) developed a set of standards for proper tree pruning that is used among true professional tree service contractors. This set of voluntary industry consensus standards was written by the Accredited Standards Committee (ASC), and is called the American National Standards Institute A300, or ASC A300.  They are the generally accepted industry standards for tree care practices. They continue the initiative of developing consensus performance standards based on current research and sound practice for writing specifications to manage trees, shrubs, and other woody plants.  

Storm Damaged Trees

Take the time to inspect your trees after a severe rain or windstorm. If serious tree wounds are left untreated, it can harm the tree. If there is damage to your trees after a storm, contact your trusted tree care contractor for storm damage clearance and tree removal services for fallen trees. They may even need to trim or cut branches to remove hazards and obstacles created from the storm damage.

Harmful Effects of Tree Topping

Tree topping also goes by the names, “tipping”, “hat-racking”, “heading”, and “rounding over.” Sadly, many people believe that tree topping is an effective form of pruning. The truth is it is not an acceptable technique at all. In fact, tree topping is the most harmful tree care practice used for pruning trees. It can cause a long list of damage and health decline, including bark and tissue decay, sunburn, epicormic sprouting, pest infestations, and more.

DIY Tree Pruning

It is not wise to prune trees on your own. Several factors go into the process of tree pruning, so it requires extensive training and experience, as well as professional tools and resources to implement the job safely and effectively. Attempting to prune your trees can put you at risk of having an accident or being seriously injured, and incorrect pruning can harm your trees. Even small trees that do not require the use of a ladder should not be pruned by anyone but a trained professional.

Hire a Professional Tree Service Company

When you need to have your trees pruned, hire a licensed and insured Indianapolis tree service contractor for professional tree trimming and pruning services. They have the proper knowledge, skills, training, and resources to get the job done, safely and efficiently. Be sure to ask them for licensing and insurance information, and whether or not they adhere to ANSI A300 tree pruning standards.

Do you need professional tree shaping, trimming, or pruning assistance? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for Indianapolis tree trimming and pruning services you can trust. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

FAQS About Angiosperms and Gymnosperms

There are various tree species here in Indiana, ranging in color, size, shape, growth patterns, and more. But all trees can be categorized into one of two categories: deciduous or conifer. Deciduous trees shed their foliage in the fall and re-bloom them in the spring. Conifer trees, also known as evergreens, keep their foliage all year long.

When trying to determine if a tree is an angiosperm or gymnosperm, your first step is to determine if it is a deciduous or conifer. Continue reading to learn the difference between an angiosperm and gymnosperm in order to improve your tree identification skills!

Indianapolis Indiana Tree Service 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Indiana Tree Service 317-783-2518

Frequently Asked Questions About Angiosperms and Gymnosperms

What are Angiosperms?

Angiosperms are a taxonomic class of flowering trees. These trees produce seeds that, when matured, is enclosed in an ovule (usually a fruit). For example, an apple is the mature seed that an angiosperm tree produces. The apple is the ovary, or ovule. Angiosperm trees lose their leaves in the fall, and regrow them in the spring, making them a deciduous tree. They are classified as hardwoods, and include species like oaks, maples, dogwoods, and more.

Common Angiosperms:

▷ Lilies
▷ Orchids
▷ Roses
▷ Sunflowers
▷ Oak Trees
▷ Maple Trees
▷ Fruit-Bearing Trees

What are Gymnosperms?

Gymnosperms are a taxonomic class of non-flowering trees that produce a mature seed that is not enclosed inside an ovule of any kind. A pine cone is a perfect example. Also known as “naked seed”, gymnosperm trees are softwoods, and do not lose their foliage in the winter. This makes these conifers. Species include pine trees, cedars, spruces, and firs.

Common Gymnosperms:

▷ Pine Trees
▷ Conifers
▷ Cycads
▷ Spruce Trees
▷ Firs

How Can You Tell the Difference Between the Two?

Here is the general rule to remember: Conifers are gymnosperms and deciduous trees are angiosperms. There are exceptions to the rule, however. You see, some angiosperms keep their leaves in the winter, such as live oak, sweet bay magnolia, and rhododendron trees. And gymnosperm trees do lose their foliage in the winter, such as ginkgo, dawn redwood, and bald cypress trees.

Looking for prompt and professional tree care in your area? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for Indianapolis Indiana tree services you can trust. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

The Average Cost of Removing a Fallen Tree

When trees fall, the outcome can be very devastating. Large trees can completely demolish houses, cave in roof tops and garages, take out power lines and telephone poles, and even harm people and pets. Furthermore, a fallen tree can still be a hazard even after it has already toppled over.

Indianapolis Tree Removal Services 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Removal Services 317-783-2518

Factors That Impact Tree Removal Cost

The price for tree removal is dependent on various factors, including the company, the size of a tree, the condition of a tree, location of a tree, degree of risk, surrounding environmental factors, and more. It is best to simply contact a local Indianapolis tree service company and request an estimate for fallen tree removal.

A licensed and insured tree care specialist will ask you a series of questions to help measure an average price over the phone. Next, they will come out in person to evaluate the circumstances surrounding the fallen tree. From there, they can provide a final, accurate estimate.

Average Price Expectations

As for average costs, tree removal prices can be as low as $100 and as high as $1000 or more. Refer to the guide below for average tree removal cost estimations.

25 to 30 Feet = $100 – $400

30 to 75 Feet = $400 – $1000

75+ Feet = $1000+

Additional Costs to Consider

Aside from tree removal, there are some additional costs to be aware of. Some companies charge extra (up to 50% more) if trees are obstructing (or located over) utility lines, power lines, roads, buildings, and public trans ways. 

If you wish to have the stump removed as well, you will most likely face additional charges for stump removal service. This ranges anywhere between $100 and $500, depending on the size of the stump and the extent of the underground root system.

Also, it is common for tree care companies to charge an additional fee of $50 to $75 for haul-away service. It is important to ask if hauling service is included in the estimate given to you before you decide to accept a final quote.

Did a tree fall over on your property? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for prompt and professional tree removal in Indianapolis, Indiana. We maintain economy-based pricing and provide both residential and commercial tree services.

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Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

Will the Snow Kill My Tree?

Do you have a tree on your lot that has been experiencing some weakness or problems? If so, all this recent snowfall might have your concerned about its potential to persevere through spring. Continue reading to learn how snow and cold temperatures might affect landscaping trees, and what you can do to better protect them for the remainder of the winter season.

Indianapolis Winter Tree Service 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Winter Tree Service 317-783-2518

Winter Tree Threats

There are various factors that can influence the health and condition of a tree, year-round. Not only can harsh winter weather impact a tree’s ability to thrive, other natural occurrences can weaken or damage a tree overtime, such as pest infestation, wildlife tampering, poor soil compaction or pH levels, lawn drainage, landscaping, construction, and much more. As for the winter, the most damaging elements that trees can suffer from include heavy snow, hail, ice, windstorms, and heavy rain.

So, will this recent snowfall cause your trees to die? Probably not, but the possibility is there if your trees have existing health problems, such as disease or malnutrition. Furthermore, newly planted and young trees are more vulnerable to elemental damages, making it important to protect them during times of heavy snowfall and below-freezing temperatures.

Beware of Winter Burn

Also known as desiccation, winter burn is a potentially-fatal seasonal problem among evergreen trees. The most common causes for winter burn are insufficient levels of moisture in soil, freezing temperatures, and inclement winds. These factors cause trees to lose moisture faster than they can replace it, as a result of the frozen ground and soil conditions. Because of these conditions, trees suffering from winter burn often die before spring arrives

How to Protect Trees in Snowy Weather

Diseased, decaying, or dead trees can easily be knocked down in a large snowstorm. It is wise to remove a tree in this condition before it becomes a threat to the people and surroundings in your neighborhood. This is one reason why routine tree care and maintenance is so important. Regular, year-round tree care is highly effective, and can help thrive through winter.

Additional winter tree protection methods:

➥ Burlap Wraps
➥ Cable and Bracing
➥ Tree Staking
➥ Mulching

Winter Tree Service in Indianapolis You Can Count On

Call Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for experienced tree service in Indianapolis and throughout Central Indiana. We offer a wide range of residential and commercial tree services, including tree removal, tree trimming, stump grinding, stump removal, lot clearing, and more. If you want professional and efficient service you can trust, Complete Tree Care is the right call!

Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

How to Prepare Your Trees for Spring Weather Conditions

With Spring right around the corner, now is the right time to be thinking about tree cabling, staking, and bracing. These are excellent tree protection measures to take in order to reduce the likelihood of tree damages caused by heavy winds and rainstorms, which spring is known for. Continue reading to learn about each method of tree protection, and what you can do to ensure your landscaping trees are ready to take on the seasonal inclement weather up ahead.

Indianapolis Tree Service
Indianapolis Tree Service 317-783-2518

Tree Protection

The very root of tree protection starts at the very beginning of a tree’s life. Routine tree care, such as fertilizing, mulching, watering, trimming, and pruning, are all vital to the overall success of a tree’s health and survival. Without proper tree care, trees do not grow to their fullest potential, and as a result, are weaker and more susceptible to damage, disease, and pest infestation.

Along with proper tree care are several methods you can implement to ensure your trees are protected during seasons of inclement weather, namely spring. This is especially important for young or newly planted trees. Among the various methods of tree protection, cabling, bracing, and staking are the most popular and effective.

Tree Cabling and Bracing

The objective of tree cabling is to limit the degree of movement in certain branches and limbs, or for the complete tree. This is accomplished by installing a variety of cables, wires, and hardware like anchors and hooks. Tree bracing is similar to cabling in many ways. It is implemented with the purpose of maintaining certain distance and limiting movement between two leaders (trunks) of a tree. Rods are used to keep two trunks from growing farther apart, or moving sideways against each other. Bracing is also used reconnect broken limbs.

Tree Staking

Young or newly-planted tree require additional support throughout the entire year, until they are strong enough to stand on their own. Tree staking is one practice that is perfect for this job. Tree staking helps protect unstable trees against all sorts of environmental damage, including storm damage, wind damage, breakage, leaning, and other destructive conditions.

Tree Guying

Tree guying is the practice of securing a tree to the ground with the purpose of reducing movement. In turn, this prevents the tree from toppling over or breaking apart. It is traditionally implemented by installing anchors to a tree and in the ground, and then connecting them with a cable.

Tree Propping

Tree props are built and installing in the ground to act as a backing or support for trees. They are installed to support both trunks and limbs, and mostly used for trees that are leaning or in the way. For instance, if a tree has a large limb that dangles over and blocks your gate, you could use a prop to keep the limb from drooping so slow.

Call Us for Trusted Tree Services in Indianapolis

Call Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for prompt and professional Indianapolis tree service you can afford. We are experienced tree care technicians that can resolve your tree problems, regardless of your projects size or scope. We offer a wide range of tree removal and tree services, for both residential and commercial properties. We even offer free estimates and free tree care advice!

Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518