What You Need to Know About Tree Disease Treatment

If you’re a homeowner, chances are you have trees in your yard. It is important to recognize the signs of tree diseases and understand how to prevent them. Tree disease treatments can be expensive, so it’s best to know what steps to take for proper tree care ahead of time. An experienced arborist should be consulted if you think any of your trees may be suffering from a serious ailment or infection.

In this blog post, we will discuss some common tree diseases and how they can be treated by an arborist. We will also look at ways that homeowners can practice good tree care in order to reduce the risk of their trees becoming diseased in the first place. By following these tips and working with an experienced professional, you’ll ensure that your outdoor oasis stays beautiful and healthy for years to come!

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Call 317-783-2518 For Arborist Services in Indianapolis Indiana

Common Tree Diseases and Their Causes

Tree diseases can be caused by a variety of factors, including fungal or bacterial infections, insect infestations, and environmental stressors. Common tree diseases include Anthracnose, Dutch Elm Disease, Powdery Mildew, and Fire Blight. Each of these requires different treatment strategies to address the underlying cause of the problem. An arborist will inspect your trees for signs of disease and then develop a tailored plan for treating them. This could involve chemical treatments such as fungicides or herbicides, physical pruning techniques, or other methods that are intended to protect your trees from further damage.

ANTHRACNOSE – Anthracnose is an incredibly widespread disease. It often strikes out of nowhere, quickly spreading its devastating presence to vulnerable trees of all sizes and varieties. From gigantic pines standing tall among the canopy of a pristine forest, to small bushes nestled underneath cozy porches, this tree disease shows no signs of mercy as it chips away at each living limb. As summer creeps up with its hot days and long sunlit hours, heightened damage from seasonal anthracnose can appear seemingly overnight and create lasting complications for entire woody landscapes.

DUTCH ELM DISEASE – Dutch Elm Disease is an ominous threat to many trees. It has left marks of destruction on elm woodlands across North America, Europe, and Asia for more than a century. The vascular conditions caused by Dutch Elm Disease can weaken or even kill off infected trees in just one season. This means that the disease spreads rapidly amongst trees and can lead to significant losses for forest environments. Direct contact between healthy and diseased plants spread its spores quickly, making it incredibly difficult to contain without drastic measures such as complete tree removal. On top of this, Dutch Elm Disease also threatens city streets since a variety of elm species are popular decorative trees planted in urban areas around the world. In short, Dutch Elm Disease truly is a common and devastating tree disease.

POWDERY MILDEW – Powdery Mildew is a fungus that attacks different parts of trees. It appears as a white to gray powdery substance, which can cause leaf spots or even mortality in certain tree species such as Elm, Maple, Oak, and Ash trees. Symptoms may appear slowly on the underside of leaves and gradually become more prominent as time passes. In some cases, these spots grow together, causing large necrotic patches that can cause extensive damage to branches. This infection can have serious consequences for the health of your trees and spread easily throughout orchards, greenhouses and nurseries containing susceptible species. Early preventive treatment is essential if you want to keep your trees safe from Powdery Mildew.

FIRE BLIGHT – Fire Blight is a bacterial infection seen routinely in trees, especially those in the Rosaceae family. This group includes such perennials as Pear, Crabapple, and Cotoneaster species. While this disease can be disheartening to observe, it can occur with even younger trees that haven’t had time to fully mature. Certain environmental conditions prove favorable for Fire Blight to thrive, and usually begins at blooming season. Weather temperatures in the upper 80s during days of humidity over 75%, when combined with rainy spells intensifies the rate of infection while allowing bacteria spread.

Routine Tree Care

In addition to professional tree care services in Indianapolis, it’s important that homeowners practice proper tree care throughout the year in order to reduce the risk of disease. This includes regular pruning, mulching, and fertilizing to ensure that your trees stay healthy and strong. It’s also important to avoid over-watering or under-watering your trees, as both can lead to nutrient deficiency and other problems. Lastly, be sure to inspect your trees for signs of disease on a regular basis so you can take swift action if any issues arise.

Now You Can Maintain Healthy Trees Year-Round

By following these tips and working with an experienced professional arborist in Indianapolis, you’ll help ensure that your outdoor oasis stays beautiful and healthy for years to come! If you think one of your trees may be suffering from a serious ailment or infection, it is best to consult an arborist right away; they can develop a tailored plan for effective tree disease treatment. With the right care and attention, you’ll be able to keep your trees healthy and beautiful for years to come!

Are your landscaping trees in need of some TLC this spring? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 to get advice from a certified arborist in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients with comprehensive tree care solutions.

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Common Diseases Affecting Trees in Indiana and How to Treat Them

Indiana is known for its lush forests and wide variety of trees. However, these trees can be vulnerable to a number of diseases that can cause serious damage if left untreated. Common tree diseases in Indiana include anthracnose, oak wilt, fire blight, Dutch elm disease, and Phytophthora root rot. Understanding the symptoms and causes of these diseases is key to protecting your trees from harm and preserving their beauty for years to come.

In this blog post, we will discuss the most common tree diseases affecting Indiana trees as well as how you can identify them and treat them effectively.

Call 317-783-2518 to Speak With a Licensed Arborist in Indianapolis Indiana.
Dutch Elm Disease (DED) (Ophiostoma ulmi)

Indiana Tree Diseases and Treatments


Anthracnose is a common fungal disease that affects many tree species in Indiana. It is caused by fungi that thrive on wet, humid weather and can cause deep, dark spots on leaves and twigs as well as leaf loss. Anthracnose can be treated with fungicides applied to the affected area or entire tree depending on how severe the infection is. It’s important to note that fungicides must be used carefully and according to instructions to avoid harming other organisms in your garden or landscape.

Oak Wilt

Oak wilt is another common tree disease found in Indiana, particularly affecting red oak species. Oak wilt is caused by a fungus which rapidly spreads from tree to tree through their root systems. Symptoms of oak wilt include yellowing, wilting and curling of foliage, as well as dieback of branches. Treatment for this disease requires injecting the tree with a fungicide or removing infected branches to prevent further spread.

Fire Blight

Fire blight is another destructive fungal disease that affects many fruit trees in Indiana. It is characterized by cankers on twigs and branches as well as blackening of fruit. Treatment for fire blight typically involves pruning away affected branches and applying a chemical solution to the tree to prevent further spread.

Dutch Elm

Dutch elm disease is another serious fungal infection that affects many species of elm trees in Indiana, particularly older trees. It is characterized by wilting and yellowing of leaves, as well as dieback of branches. Treatment for this disease requires pruning away infected branches and using a fungicide to prevent further spread.


Phytophthora root rot is a fungal infection that causes severe damage to tree roots. Symptoms include wilting and yellowing of foliage, as well as dieback of branches. Treatment typically involves removing affected roots and applying a fungicide to the tree or soil to prevent further spread.

Routine Tree Care is Key

Tree care is essential in order to keep your trees healthy and beautiful. It’s important to check your trees regularly for signs of disease and act quickly if any are spotted. While it may be tempting to try and treat tree diseases yourself, it’s important to seek professional help in order to ensure the best results and prevent further damage. A qualified arborist can inspect your trees for any signs of disease, recommend an appropriate treatment plan and provide advice on how to best care for your trees.

Protect Indiana’s Trees

Protecting Indiana’s treasured forests is essential to maintaining the state’s natural beauty. By recognizing common tree diseases and taking steps to prevent and treat them, you can help ensure that our forests remain healthy and vibrant for years to come.

Are you  having trouble keeping your trees healthy year-round? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 to get advice from a certified arborist in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients with comprehensive tree care solutions.

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Common Tree Problems That Happen in the Fall

Trees play an important role in our environment. They help clean the air we breathe and provide homes for wildlife. Trees also add beauty to our landscape. But, like all living things, trees need care to stay healthy. Unfortunately, with every passing season comes the risk of certain tree problems, from disease and pest outbreaks to undernourishment, animal tampering, environmental discourse, and more.

This season, be sure to keep your eyes on your landscaping trees. Do not let them become victim to some of the most common tree problems that happen in the Fall. Continue below to learn which problems you should be watching out for.

Tree Trimming Indianapolis Indiana 317-783-2518
Tree Trimming and Tree Care Indianapolis Indiana 317-783-2518

Typical Threats to Landscaping Trees This Time of Year

Most trees experience the majority of their problems during the Fall season. Many of these problems are caused by the changing weather and environmental conditions. Here are some of the most common tree problems that occur during Fall:

Leaf Drop

This is one of the most common problems experienced by trees during Fall. As temperatures cool and days grow shorter, trees begin to drop their leaves. While this is a natural process, it can be problematic for trees that are already struggling. Leaf drop can cause further stress and damage to the tree and can even lead to death in some cases.


Fall is also a prime time for diseases to take hold in trees. Many diseases thrive in the cooler, wetter conditions of Fall. If a tree is already weak or stressed, it is more likely to succumb to disease. Common diseases that affect trees during Fall include leaf spot, powdery mildew, and root rot.


Pests are also a major problem for trees during Fall. Many pests, such as aphids, mites, and scale insects, are attracted to the sweet nectar produced by trees during this time of year. These pests can cause serious damage to trees and can even kill them in some cases.

Wind and Frost damage

Strong winds are common during Fall, and they can cause serious damage to trees. High winds can snap branches, uproot trees, and topple weak or dead trees. Frost can also cause serious damage to trees during Fall. Frost can kill leaves, branches, and even the entire tree in some cases. It is important to protect trees from frost damage by providing them with adequate water and mulch.

Tree Care Tips

Here are some tips on how to keep your trees healthy:

Water your trees regularly. Trees need at least 1-2 inches of water per week, depending on the weather. The best time to water your trees is in the early morning hours before the sun gets too hot.

Mulch your trees. Mulching helps retain moisture in the soil and keeps roots cool in the summer months. Apply a layer of mulch around the tree base but be sure not to pile it too high against the trunk.

Prune your trees regularly. Pruning helps remove dead or diseased branches and encourages new growth. Be sure to prune your trees during their dormant season (winter for most trees).

Watch for pests and diseases. Keep an eye out for signs of pests or diseases, such as discolored leaves or branches. If you see something suspicious, contact a certified arborist for help.

By following these simple tips, you can help keep your trees healthy and looking their best! Need some professional tree care? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed Indianapolis tree service at an affordable price. We serve both residential and commercial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

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How to Identify and Treat Oak Wilt

Oak Wilt is a debilitating vascular fungal disease that can affect all species of oak trees. Learn what causes this transmittable tree disease, how to identify the signs, and what you can do to stop it from killing your majestic oaks. Continue reading to cover these topics and more.

Oak Tree Care Indianapolis IN
Call 317-783-2518 For Oak Tree Service in Indianapolis Indiana

Oak Wilt Tree Disease

As mentioned, oak wilt is a vascular fungal disease. It is caused by a fungus that enters and obstructs a tree’s inner vascular system where water and nutrients are distributed throughout the tree. Since the fungus enters this internal transportation system, it affects the entire tree rather than an isolated spot. Furthermore, if these food and water lines are inhibited, it can cause a tree to enter a quick decline. For this reason, it is important to address an oak wilt outbreak before it can take over your tree.


There are many ways tree diseases can be spread, however, oak wilt is primarily transmitted through beetles or root grafting. Beetles can carry the fungus from one tree to the next, while underground roots of an infected oak tree can share water and nutrient lines with the root system of a nearby tree. This also spreads the fungus. Once an oak tree is dead from the disease, it is no longer transmittable, unless it is a Red oak. Red oak trees should be properly burned and disposed to prevent further outbreaks.

Signs and Symptoms

Live oaks and red oaks exhibit different signs of oak wilt. For live oaks, one of the most common signs is a called veinal necrosis. Leaves develop chlorotic and necrotic veins, in which the leaf veins turn yellow, and then turn brown. This occurrence is usually one of the first noticeable signs of oak wilt disease. From there, additional leaf decline and rapid foliage loss usually takes place, followed by a 1 to 6 month health decline period, and eventually, death. Red oak trees infected with oak wilt do not experience veinal necrosis. Instead, leaves simply wilt and turn colors of pale green, brown, and bronze. They remain attached for the most part, but red oak trees will only survive anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks once infected.


Certain species of oaks are not likely to die from oak wilt, including Post oaks, chinquapins, and bur oaks. The most common treatment for oak wilt is a series of bimonthly fungicide injections called Propiconazole. This fungicide is applied through macro-injection of the root flares. This application technique generally gives the best results, however, the fungicide treatment does not guarantee the tree’s survival. Propiconazole fungicide treatments are also effective methods of oak wilt prevention. Talk to your local Indianapolis tree service company about your options for Oak wilt prevention.

Call Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for Indianapolis tree service you can trust. We are highly trained and experienced tree care technicians that offer commercial and residential tree services at affordable prices. Request an estimate or advice anytime. Call 317-783-2518 to learn more about tree care in Indianapolis, Indiana today.