4 Topsoil Problems That Can Negatively Affect Tree Health

If you are having trouble with your newly-planted or transplanted landscaping trees, it could be due to poor soil conditions. It is important for soil to retain the proper pH levels in order to be conducive to tree growth and ongoing health. Continue reading to learn about the top 4 most common soil problems, including what you can do about them.

Indianapolis Tree Service 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Service 317-783-2518

Top 4 Soil Problems and How to Solve Them

Clay Soil

Too much clay in your dirt will come with some problems. It hinders water penetration, or at least slows it down dramatically, which means that tree and shrub roots cannot get adequate amounts of water. Unfortunately, it takes anywhere from 5 to 10 years to completely do away with this problem, but start by removing 6 inches of clay, and then filling the bottom with a few inches of quality compost soil. Then continue by planting your tree or shrub on top. This helps to creates new topsoil.

Compacted Soil

Not only does soil compaction reduce the structural integrity of your dirt, but it also prevents adequate water penetration. It is often caused by constant pressure over the years from heavy objects like sheds, playgrounds, and concrete patios, as well as repetitive foot traffic and motor vehicles. To relieve this problem, increase the frequency of hollow tine aeration. If your case is severe, you may need to rip up the soil. Once you have a new foundation of fresh quality topsoil to work with, consider installing pavers or flagstones to relieve heavy traffic.

Hard-to-Dig Soil

Extremely hard soil is very difficult to cultivate. If you can’t dig up enough to create a suitable hole for planting, you can’t plant anything at all. To help ease the struggle of hard-to-dig dirt, you may need to have a secondary irrigation water stubbed into the yard, followed by installing a temporary hose bib into the stubbed secondary water. If this is not possible, culinary water practices may be your best option to moisten soil.

Rocky Soil

The only thing worse than soil that is too hard or compact is soil with too many rocks. Although suitable for plants and trees, it can be very hard to work with. Digging, cultivating, and more are all made more difficult when there is a presence of excess rocks and gravel. TO help this problem, you can choose to use raised garden beds or add a new level of fresh topsoil (at least 6 inches for best results).

Are you interested in enhancing the health of your landscaping trees through routine tree maintenance like trimming, pruning, and deep root fertilization? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed and insured tree services in Indianapolis, Indiana, and its surrounding counties. We offer tree removal, tree stump solutions, tree trimming, pruning, and more for both residential and commercial customers.

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Spring to Winter Seasonal Pruning Tips for Trees

Tree pruning is a complicated process for the novice property owner. Just one incorrect cut can lead to a lifetime of health and growth issues for a tree. Furthermore, there is a lot of conflicting information on the best times of year to prune trees. That is partly due to the different hardiness zones throughout the country. Here in Indiana, we are hardiness zone 5B and 6A, which makes a big difference on when to prune and when not to prune.

Continue below for a basic seasonal guide on tree pruning, plus who to trust in Indianapolis for skilled tree service at an affordable price.

Tree Pruning Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-783-2518
Tree Pruning Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-783-2518

Why Should You Prune Your Trees?

There are several important benefits of tree pruning. Mostly, pruning trees supports healthier, stronger tree growth and longer tree life. It will also improve fruit and flower blooms. Additionally, pruning trees improves curb appeal and property aesthetics. Overgrown trees can hover closely to a house or generate too much yard coverage, which can be unappealing and even lower property value. Another reason why pruning is beneficial for trees is safety. Overgrown trees can disrupt power lines, which can lead to fallen telephone poles, fires, or electrocution accidents. Large, overgrown branches can also break off, causing blunt force trauma accidents or property damage.

Tree Pruning Per Season


Tree pruning can be beneficial for trees that bloom in spring. Spring tree pruning can enhance the flower growth and generate fuller, larger canopies. Prune them soon after the flowers fade away. Trees that bloom in the mid-to-late summer are also best pruned in the springtime, or even earlier in the late winter.


Summer tree pruning can also be good for trees if done correctly. Pruning off branches that you do not want to grow longer or larger helps to slow down their growth rate. That is due to less leaf presence. The fewer leaves, the less the tree needs to distribute nutrients to the roots. This inhibits growth.


You do not want to prune trees in the fall season. In the fall, the air is still contaminated with decay-causing fungi that can infect open tree cuts and wounds, and ultimately, cause tree decline. Because tree wounds and cuts in the bark heal slower in the fall, pruning will leave a tree more vulnerable to disease and pest infestation.


Winter is an acceptable time to prune trees, so long as you wait until the coldest part of the season has passed. Wintertime tree pruning is beneficial because it encourages bigger, better, healthier growth come spring. In the winter, trees are dormant, which makes it a lot safer to incorporate cuts, plus easier to spot problematic branches and limbs.

Spring Tree Care Checklist:

□ Pruning
□ Mulching
□ Watering
□ Fertilizing
□ Trimming
□ Shaping
□ Stabilization/Staking
□ Risk Abatement
□ Wildlife Protection
□ Inspections

Are you looking for professional tree care services near you? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for affordable tree trimming and tree pruning in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We provide residential and commercial tree services.

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Is it a Good Time to Trim My Tree?
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How to Hire an Honest Indianapolis Tree Service Company

Trees are incredibly valuable to the planet and every living organism that lives here. This also makes trees significant assets to property owners. Trees can grow for hundreds of years, and so long as you implement routine tree care, they achieve outstanding strength and height. Plus, they provide a wide range of benefits, including oxygen, viable Eco-systems, shade, privacy, increased energy efficiency, sound barriers, snow fencing, and so much more. All of these advantages make trees an important part of your property’s overall investment, as well as your quality of life.

For these reasons, choosing an Indianapolis tree service professional is something that you should take seriously. There are hundreds of contractors who claim to have the credentials to perform tree work, but not all of them are the best choice for your landscaping needs.

Continue reading to learn how to separate the real tree service professionals in Indianapolis from the ones that are not to be trusted with your hard-earned cash.

Indianapolis Tree Service 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Service 317-783-2518

What to Look For in a Tree Service Contractor


Having a professional license shows that a tree service company is qualified to perform the duties they are advertising to provide. Check to make sure you are hiring a tree care service that has the proper permits, licenses, and most importantly, sufficient insurance coverage in the case of an accident on your property. These documents prove that they are a qualified tree service company.


The first attribute you want to look for in an Indianapolis tree care contractor is experience. Ask them how long they have been in business as their own company, as well as, when they began their hands-on experience. Their total combined experience is a good indication of their knowledge, skills, and understanding of the industry’s best practices.

At least ten years’ experience is a good number to start with; after this amount of time, a person should have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills. Furthermore, it shows that they are good at what they do; after all, who would stay in a job they weren’t any good at?

Company Ratings

In this day and age, we have the internet, which provides us with an abundant amount of information. One of the most reliable resources to use on the internet, when it comes to assessing a business, is customer reviews and testimonials. Read what past clients have to say about the tree care providers in your area and choose one that has a larger number of positive testimonials than negative ones.

Keep in mind that no one is perfect, and sometimes people exaggerate, so if there are a few poor reviews, it is not always an indication of their service or skills. If a tree care company has several poor reviews, then you can probably assume they are not operating with good business practices.

Would you like to skip the hassle of researching dozens of tree care companies in the Indy area and just go straight to the best source for trusted tree service near you? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for professional tree services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients with comprehensive tree care solutions.

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The Advantages of Tree Pruning in Winter

Most would agree the spring and summer seasons in are the prime time to care for your landscaping and trees. But the truth is, it is important to pay attention to your trees during the wintertime as well. Winter tree care is highly beneficial for your landscaping trees in many ways, especially tree pruning.

Continue reading to learn all the advantages of winter tree pruning, and protocol for prompt and professional tree service you can trust in your neighborhood.

Tree Pruning Trimming Indianapolis IN
Tree Pruning Trimming Indianapolis IN 317-783-2518

Winter Tree Pruning Promotes Healthy Growth

Treat pruning is the practice of trimming and cutting back tree branches for the purpose of stimulating new healthy growth. This is why tree pruning is so vital for winter. The harsh conditions are influential enough on landscaping trees, but add that with neglect, in your trees are not likely to survive the season. Tree pruning in the wintertime is a common practice because it promotes vigorous, healthy branch growth come spring and summer. The best time to prune trees is in the coldest part of the season. By then, trees are fully in their dormancy stage.

A Haircut for a Tree?

You can think of it as getting a haircut for yourself; if you want your hair to grow and be healthy, it requires occasional trimming, as well as other forms of care, like routine cleansing, conditioning, eating a healthy diet, taking vitamins, and more. In a similar sense, trees require the same type of care in order to grow strong and healthy. And winter tree pruning is exactly what they need this time of year.

Why Prune in the Wintertime?

There are several advantages to pruning trees in the wintertime. These advantages are most visible come spring and summer when foliage and branches are full-grown and bursting with life and color. This includes flowers, leaves, and fruits. Pruning during the dormancy stage of trees also allows the exposed cuts to recover and heal better. This reduces the likelihood of tree diseases, pest infestations, and infections. There is also less of a chance for trees to wilt due to a lack of water. During the dormancy stage, trees to not require the same amount of water as they do during the growing seasons.

Ready to schedule your seasonal tree services? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed and insured tree trimming and pruning in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Is it a Good Time to Trim My Tree?
Can I Prune My Trees Yet?
The ANSI Standards for Tree Pruning

Why You Should Remove Tree Branches That Overhang the Roof

Trees are valuable assets to any property. The older the better, and homeowners strive to keep their trees healthy and growing exponentially for as long as possible. For this reason, we often feel some hesitation when it comes to trimming back those beloved limbs of our favorite landscaping trees. But in many cases, it is absolutely necessary, like when tree branches get too close to the roof or other structures of your home or building.

Continue reading to learn why it is important to promptly remove or trim back tree branches that are hanging over or touching your rooftop.

Indianapolis Tree Trimming and Removal 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Trimming and Removal 317-783-2518

The Concern With Overhanging Tree Limbs

There are many reasons why tree limbs are a threat to roofs and other related or nearby structures, like chimneys, fascia, soffits, vents, and solar power systems. Not only can overgrown or touching tree branches cause structural damages to your most valuable assets, but they can also pose several safety issues for people inside and outside.

Structural Damages

Touching, grazing, or overhanging tree limbs can scrape and scratch shingles and roofing materials, which can lead to premature curling, peeling, shingle loss, and moisture rot. Overtime, this can even lead to holes in the roof, which can cause attic leaks and serious water damage.

Tree branches that overhang or touch roofs can also cause localized leaf loss, which leads to an accumulation of leaves inside your gutter system and on top of your roofing. Overtime, the sitting foliage and debris will develop excessive moisture, causing mold and mildew growth. Such growth, if never uncovered and treated, can lead to roof deterioration and subsequent leaks.

Safety Risks

When tree limbs are in regular contact with your roof or siding, they will eventually experience damage of their own. As a result, tree limbs weaken and wane, which increases the likelihood of them breaking off and falling onto or nearby your home. A falling tree limb can cause serious injury to people and pets, even if they are small.

How to Manage Overhanging or Overgrown Tree Branches

To prevent a damaging or dangerous situation brought on by overgrown or overhanging tree branches, begin with smart tree planting. Plant trees away from the side of the house or building, taking into account the average growth expectancy of the particular species you are planting. Furthermore, stay current on all routine tree service, including spring and fall tree trimming and pruning.

Always Hire a Professional Tree Removal Company

Never attempt to remove overhanging or overgrown tree limbs yourself. One incorrect cut can lead to a serious accident or damage to your property. It is necessary to hire a professional Indianapolis tree removal service to have any overgrown tree branches safely trimmed back and pruned according to ANSI standards. They have the proper tools, equipment, resources, and training to ensure your trees are safely managed, year-round.

Are you looking for professional tree service near you? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for affordable tree trimming and tree pruning in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We provide residential and commercial tree services.

Related Posts:

Is it a Good Time to Trim My Tree?
How to Identify Dead Trees on Your Property
Can You Prune Trees in Winter?

Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

Top 3 Tree Stump Removal Options in Indiana

If you have a stump taking up valuable lawn space, it is time to start considering your options. Continue reading to learn the top 3 methods of getting rid of a tree stump in Indiana, and who to trust for professional stump removal service in Indianapolis.  

How to Get Rid of Tree Stumps

Tree Stump Removal in Indianapolis

Tree removal is only one aspect of taking down a tree. Once the tree is removed, whether for storm damage, safety, or aesthetics, there is always going to be a stump left behind in its place. Until you remove it, this stump will serve as a constant reminder that your work is not yet finished. Stump removal comes in different forms, so it is important to learn all your options in order to choose the most suitable method for your particular landscape.

3 Primary Options for Getting Rid of a Tree Stump:

Stump Grinding

Stump grinding is a method that is best carried out by a professional tree service technician. They have the proper training and equipment to provide the service, safely and efficiently. There are several other steps involved in the process, but essentially, a large machine called a stump grinder is used to chip away at the tree stump until it is level to the ground, or just below. This is a very cost-effective and fast solution, but it does not completely eliminate the stump. In certain cases, a stump cannot be in the ground at all. This would call for stump removal.

Stump Removal

Stump removal is much more invasive and tedious and must also be carried out by a professional tree care team who is trained and experienced. There are several ways to remove a stump, and these methods vary from company to company. The truest method in a fundamental sense is to dig, cut, pull, and repeat. This is more expensive than stump grinding since more labor is involved.

Stump Burning

One such manual stump removal option is stump burning. Although it is strongly recommended to hire a professional for all tree service tasks, those who are confident in their handyman skills may be able to burn out a tree stump themselves. You never want to work with fire outdoors in certain weather conditions. Check your week’s forecast to ensure a calm, dry day for burning, followed by some wet days to ensure all smolders are out. The entire process should take at least 3 to 4 days.

Would you prefer to entrust your tree service and tree stump removal needs to a licensed and insured professional? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed Indianapolis Indiana tree stump removal you can trust. We serve both residential and commercial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

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Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

Top Advantages of Choosing Professional Tree Service

Landscaping is important to any homeowner that cherishes beautiful outdoor novelties and nature. Trees are a huge part of landscaping and property maintenance. Trees can add an undeniable degree of comfort, beauty, and character to any property. To care for them is a job in itself. Trees require routine care and maintenance in order to sustain their health and enable growth. A professional tree technician retains all the proper equipment and training to accurately facilitate residential and commercial tree services. There are several advantages of professional tree services; and a tree and landscaping lover should know them all!

Continue reading to learn a few more advantages of professional tree care for your home or property.

Indianapolis Tree Removal and Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Removal and Tree Care 317-783-2518

Why Hire a Pro for Tree Care?

Experience and Training

A professional tree care company employs teams of highly trained and experienced tree technicians. These teams usually have anywhere from ten to twenty years of experience on average. Experience and training combined, they can accurately and safely remove trees, trim trees, and provide all other tree care services on any type of property. If your property is in a heavily wooded area, these chores are not an easy DIY job. Professional tree service is incredibly helpful for large, wooded lots, as well as lot clearing, stump removal, and stump grinding; jobs that an average home or property owner can’t accomplish on their own.

Licensed and Insured Work

On top of experience and training, it is comforting to have professional service that is licensed and insured. A good choice for a reliable tree care company should have these qualities to responsibly provide tree services to their clients. Knowing that the work is insured protects you as a consumer, as well as ensures quality work that is backed by the company.

Safety and Liability

One of the most important advantages of professional tree service is safety. There are several ways a person can injure themselves during a tree removal or maintenance job.  It is crucial to use proper equipment and practices to service trees in any way. A professional tree tech understands how to properly handle trees and the tools that are used in the industry, without harming themselves or jeopardizing anyone else or their property. If a tree is cut incorrectly, it can fall in the wrong direction; perhaps on someone’s fence, roof, or car! An expert tree tech can avoid these accidents because they retain all the proper tools, equipment, knowledge, and experience.

Are you ready to discuss your tree maintenance and landscaping needs with a seasoned professional? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for affordable and reliable Indianapolis Indiana tree services and tree removal you can trust. We provide commercial work too.

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Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

How to Prevent Poor Tree Health

It is wintertime, so it’s expected for trees to be well into their dormancy stage. But there is a different between dormant trees and dying trees, even though the signs are virtually indiscernible at first glance. Dying trees are not green under the bark, and do not show signs of growth buds on their branches. Talk to a local tree care contractor to assess the condition of a tree that has given you some concerned. They will be able to determine whether or not your tree is dormant, dead, or dying. When it comes times to ask yourself what caused your tree to experience problems, you will need to understand a few things about tree care.

Continue reading to learn what it takes to ensure landscaping trees remain healthy and hazard-free assets to your property.

Indianapolis Tree Removal Services
Indianapolis Tree Removal Services 317-783-2518

What You Need to Know About Tree Health

Fundamentally, trees need water, nutrients, and sunlight to survive. But trees really need a lot of water. In fact, some trees require hundreds of gallons of water each day! There are several other factors that influence the health of a tree (i.e. soil, weather, pollution, over-crowdings, etc.), but these three elements are the most influential. If even one of them is disturbed, it can cause the tree distress, and eventual decline in health. And a spot of decline leaves a tree in a more vulnerable state, making it more susceptible to pest infestations and tree diseases.

Fortunately, there are plenty of effective ways to make sure your trees survive the winter, and thrive throughout each upcoming season. Below are some important tree care tips to consider if you are concerned about the condition of your landscaping trees.

Professional Tree Care Advice to Follow All Year

Provide routine tree care, including trimming, pruning, watering, fertilizing, and mulching. Pruning dead branches is especially important to prevent tree cankers, weevils, and blights.

Use a professional tree care company for major tree work, like tree removal, stump grinding, tree diseases, infestations, and more.

Only plant drought-tolerant tree species if you live in a region where hot-spells and dry-spells are common.

Remove dead or dying trees IMMEDIATELY. The longer they are on your property, the more problems and hazards they can potentially impose.

Thin out any underbrush and small tree canopies to improve the vigor of your other trees. Provide canopy thinning in the spring to promote more sunlight and healthy growth.

Where to Get Trusted Indianapolis Indiana Tree Service Year-Round

Call Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for professional tree inspection services from a certified arborist in Indianapolis, Indiana and surrounding locations. Our certified tree service company in Indianapolis delivers a wide range of skilled tree removal and tree care services for residential and commercial properties. If you have a tree emergency, we also offer same day service, and two separate after-hours phone lines. Request a free estimate, today.

Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

4 Winter Storm Preparation Tips for Landscaping Trees

Winter storms can bring about a mixture of freezing rain, snow, ice, hail, lightening, and more. So long as you have strong, healthy trees, you can rest assure they will stand up to this type of inclement, seasonal weather that is to be expected. But if you have young, weak, newly planted, or vulnerable trees on your property, there is a smaller chance that they will thrive through a winter storm spell. If you do not do what it takes to protect your landscaping trees from winter storm conditions, you are at a much higher risk of waking up to storm damaged trees.

Continue reading to learn the top 4 winter storm preparation tree care tips, and how to get started with a professional tree inspection.

Indianapolis Tree Pruning 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Pruning 317-783-2518

4 Ways to Stronger and Healthier Trees

Routine Tree Care and Pruning

Trees with denser canopies, strong branches, and healthy roots are trees that will stand up to winter weather and storms. In order to achieve this for your landscaping trees, they should be serviced at least bi-annually by a licensed tree care provider for tree pruning, fertilizing, trimming, and inspection. Tree pruning is one of the most vital routine tree services that make for stronger, healthier trees, and should be the main area of focus in the fall or early spring. Talk to your Indianapolis tree service company to learn your recommended tree care schedule.

Year-Round Mulching

Trees need to be mulched if you want any chance at success. Mulch plays many important functions for trees, and the roots below. With a wide perimeter of mulch around the base of your trees, the root systems are well-moistened, and the trunk is protected from potential lawnmower damage. Furthermore, mulch contains organic constituents that are pertinent to the nutrition of the soil and quality of the root system.

Mulch is a year-round necessity for trees, as it preserves the heat of the sun and prevents the ground from freezing in harsh temperatures. All of this helps promotes healthy tree growth come spring and summer. When mulching your trees in spring and fall, aim between 2 and 3 inches of mulch at the base, but be sure not to allow the mulch to “crawl” up the trunk of the tree.

Protection Against Lightning

Although lightening is not a major threat during the winter season, you still need to protect your trees against lightening damage year-long. This way, your trees will remain strong and resilient when the winter weather is upon us. To do this, consider installing a quality lightning protection system. These devices will direct electrical currents away from the tree, sending them down a sequence of wires and into the ground.

Tree Cavity Management

Tree cavities might not seem like they are a big threat, but they are a common influence on how well a tree can withstand inclement winter weather conditions. The more hollowed a tree, the less stable it is, and therefore, more susceptible to strong winds and rains, or heavy snow and ice. So, keep an eye out on all tree cavities, and monitor their progress. If you are noticing that one tree cavity is growing too large, you will need to have that tree inspected, and possibly cabled or braced for the winter.

A Complete Tree Care Offers Winter Tree Protection Service in Indianapolis

Call Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for trusted winter tree service in Indianapolis and throughout Central Indiana. We are a family owned and operated Indianapolis tree care company that offers the most competitive prices for tree trimming and pruning, tree removal, stump removal, and more. Our tree service pros serve both residential and commercial clients all throughout the Central parts of the state. Request a free estimate or advice, today.

Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

How to Identify Dead Trees on Your Property

Especially during the wintertime, it can be tough determining if a tree is dead, alive, or simply dormant for the season. This time of year, however, trees have not reached their dormancy yet, so it can be a little easier spotting a tree in trouble. Continue reading to learn how to tell the difference between a dead tree and a healthy tree, and what to do if your tree is indeed, dead.

Indianapolis Tree Removal
Indianapolis Tree Removal and Tree Care 317-783-2518

Small Dead Trees

For trees that are small or short, you are likely able to reach their twigs and branches. This makes it easy to test the tree and determine whether or not it is dead or alive.  Simply snap off a twig and take a look at its fleshy center for signs of life. Healthy flesh will look light and green, whereas dead or dying/will look dull and gray. Also, a dead or dying tree branch will snap off dry and quick, whereas a healthy twig might give you a bit of a struggle. Small trees are easy to manage, but when trees are very large or tall it can be difficult testing branches on your own if you can’t reach them. For this reason, you need professional Indianapolis tree service.

Large Trees That are Dead or Dying

Professional tree service companies retain the proper training, experience, and specialized equipment to care for large trees safely and efficiently. They will be able to implement the proper procedures to test the tree for life, as well as suggest and implement strategies for either saving or removing the tree. Of course, they also retain the proper resources to provide safe tree removal and tree care services. If the trees that are dying, it usually needs to be removed right away to prevent accidents.

Before you contact a professional tree service company, you can look for signs of a dead or dying tree. Having this information and relaying it to your professional tree technician will help them better understand your tree care needs.

Signs of a Dead Tree:

► Loss of Foliage
► Leaf Discoloration
► Leaf Curling
► Leaf Wilting
► Pest Infestations
► Tree Trunk Rot
► Waterlogged Roots
► Exposed Roots
► Bark Discoloration
► Fungus Growth
► Dropping Branches

Dead Tree Removal Service in Indianapolis and Surrounding Counties

Call Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 to get professional tree removal for dead trees in Indianapolis, Indiana. We have served Hoosier communities since 1978 as a licensed and insured tree service company here in Indianapolis, and continue to provide top quality tree services for both residential and commercial properties throughout its surrounding areas. if you have a tree emergency after regular business hours, we offer two separate after-hours phone lines! Contact us to request an estimate, anytime.

Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518