Garden Tree Care 101: Defending Your Trees from Wildlife

Imagine investing time, effort, and resources into growing beautiful trees only to see them damaged by local wildlife. Protecting trees from wildlife tampering is crucial for maintaining healthy, vibrant gardens and landscapes.

This blog post will guide gardeners, homeowners, and property managers through protecting trees from wildlife damage. You’ll learn about the common culprits behind tree damage, how to identify signs of tampering, and effective strategies for safeguarding your trees. By the end, you’ll be well-equipped to defend your trees against wildlife threats and ensure they thrive for years to come.

Call 317-783-2518 For Tree Care Assistance in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-783-2518 For Tree Care Assistance in Indianapolis Indiana

Common Wildlife Threats to Trees

Many types of wildlife can pose threats to trees, especially in residential and commercial areas. Insects like beetles and borers can infest tree trunks, while larger animals like deer can damage bark and foliage. Birds, too, can sometimes harm trees by pecking at their bark or nesting in them. Understanding these threats is the first step in protecting your trees and ensuring they remain healthy and vibrant for years to come. Regular monitoring and proper tree care can help mitigate these risks.

  • Deer: Deer are notorious for rubbing their antlers against tree bark, causing significant damage. They also browse on young shoots and leaves, stunting tree growth.
  • Rodents: Rodents such as squirrels, mice, and voles can gnaw on tree bark and roots. Their chewing can girdle a tree, cutting off its nutrient supply and leading to its death.
  • Birds: While birds often help control insect populations, some species can harm trees by pecking at the bark. Woodpeckers, for example, can create holes that leave trees vulnerable to disease and pests.

Identifying Signs of Wildlife Damage

Recognizing the signs of wildlife damage early can save your trees from irreversible harm. Here’s what to look for:

  • Bark Rubbing: Look for areas where the bark has been stripped or rubbed away, often found on the lower trunks of trees. This damage is usually caused by deer.
  • Chewed Bark and Roots: If you notice chew marks or missing bark, rodents are likely the culprits. These marks are typically low on the trunk or around the tree base.
  • Holes in the Bark: Holes drilled into the bark are a clear indicator of bird activity, specifically woodpeckers. These holes can vary in size and depth.

Effective Strategies for Protecting Trees

Protecting your trees requires a multifaceted approach. Here are several strategies to consider:

  • Physical Barriers: Installing physical barriers can deter wildlife from damaging your trees. Fencing, tree guards, and netting are effective options.
  • Fencing: A sturdy fence can keep larger animals like deer away from your trees. Ensure the fence is tall enough—typically at least 8 feet—to prevent deer from jumping over it.
  • Tree Guards: Tree guards made of plastic or metal can protect the lower trunk from gnawing rodents and rubbing deer. Wrap the guard around the base of the tree, ensuring it’s snug but not too tight.
  • Netting: Netting can prevent birds from pecking at your trees. Drape the netting over the tree canopy, securing it to the ground with stakes.


Repellents are another effective method for deterring wildlife. They can be chemical or natural and should be applied regularly.

  • Chemical Repellents: Commercial repellents are available for various types of wildlife. These products often contain ingredients that taste or smell unpleasant to animals.
  • Natural Repellents: Natural repellents include homemade sprays made from garlic, hot pepper, or essential oils. These can be just as effective as chemical options and are often more environmentally friendly.

Habitat Modification

Modifying the habitat around your trees can make it less attractive to wildlife.

  • Remove Food Sources: Ensure there are no food sources, such as fallen fruit or bird feeders, that might attract wildlife to your garden.
  • Clear Vegetation: Clear away dense underbrush and tall grass around your trees. This reduces hiding spots for rodents and other small animals.

Sustainable and Wildlife-Friendly Methods

While protecting your trees is essential, it’s also important to consider sustainable and wildlife-friendly methods.

  • Companion Planting: Planting certain types of plants around your trees can naturally repel harmful wildlife. For example, marigolds can deter deer and rabbits.
  • Encouraging Natural Predators: Encourage the presence of natural predators, such as birds of prey and beneficial insects, to control the population of harmful wildlife.
  • Using Eco-friendly Products: Opt for Eco-friendly repellents and barriers that do not harm the environment or non-target species.


Protecting your trees from wildlife damage is crucial for maintaining a healthy and beautiful landscape. By understanding the threats, identifying signs of damage, and implementing effective strategies, you can safeguard your trees against wildlife tampering. Don’t wait until it’s too late—start implementing these tree protection measures today. And if you need professional assistance, don’t hesitate to contact your local tree care company. Your trees will thank you!

For more information and personalized advice on garden tree care, turn to a pro. Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 to get assistance from a certified arborist in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients with comprehensive tree care solutions.

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Reviving and Restoring: Tips for Caring for Damaged Trees

Trees, the silent sentinels of our yards and landscapes, often bear the brunt of Mother Nature’s whims. From fierce storms to unrelenting pests, trees are subjected to a myriad of challenges. But with the right knowledge and care, these setbacks don’t have to spell the end for your leafy friends.

Welcome to our blog post, where we delve into the world of tree damage and restoration. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the necessary tools to rehabilitate your damaged trees, transform your green spaces, and get you conversing like a seasoned tree doctor.

Call 317-783-2518 for Tree Damage Repair in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-783-2518 for Tree Damage Repair in Indianapolis Indiana

Understanding Tree Damage

Before we can delve into the methods of tree restoration, it’s essential to understand the different types of damage that can affect trees. The most common forms of tree damage include:

Physical Damage

Physical damage is caused by external factors such as strong winds, heavy snow, ice storms, or lightning strikes. This type of injury often results in broken branches, split trunks, or uprooted trees.

Insect Damage

Insects like beetles, moths, and borers can cause significant damage to trees. Their feeding habits can weaken the tree’s structure and leave it susceptible to diseases.

Disease-Related Damage

Trees can be affected by various diseases such as fungal infections, bacterial infections, or viral diseases. These diseases can cause discoloration, leaf drop, and even death in severe cases.

Tips for Caring for Damaged Trees

Once you’ve identified the type of damage affecting your tree, it’s time to take action. Here are some tips for caring for damaged trees:

Assess the Damage

Before starting any restoration work, assess the extent of the damage. If the damage is minimal, you may be able to handle it yourself. However, if the damage is severe or poses a safety risk, it’s best to call in a professional tree doctor for help.

Prune Carefully

Careful pruning can help remove damaged branches and promote new growth. It’s essential to use proper pruning techniques to avoid causing further harm to the tree. Make clean cuts just above the branch collar, leaving no stubs.

Protect Against Pests

If your tree has been infested with insects, it’s crucial to identify and treat them promptly. You can use natural or chemical methods to control pests, depending on your preference. Remember to follow instructions carefully to avoid harming beneficial insects and wildlife.

Promote Healthy Growth

Damaged trees need extra care to recover. Ensure the tree is getting enough water, sunlight, and nutrients by regularly watering and fertilizing it. You can also add a layer of mulch around the base of the tree to retain moisture and keep weeds at bay.

Be Patient

Tree restoration takes time, patience, and dedication. It may take several months or even years for a damaged tree to fully recover. Be consistent with your care and keep an eye on the tree’s progress.


Caring for damaged trees can be challenging but ultimately rewarding. By understanding the different types of damage, knowing how to properly care for a damaged tree, and being patient, you can help revive and restore your beloved trees. Remember to always prioritize safety and seek professional help when needed. With these tips in mind, you can play a crucial role in protecting the trees in your yard and contributing to a healthier environment for all. Let’s work together to keep our green spaces thriving! So go ahead, put on your tree doctor hat, and watch those damaged trees bloom once again.

Are you concerned about the health and safety of your trees? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 to get advice from a tree service contractor or certified arborist in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients with comprehensive tree care solutions.

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What Causes Bark Splitting in Trees?

What Causes Bark Splitting in Trees?

In the grand tapestry of nature, trees stand as silent sentinels, contributing to the beauty, tranquility, and ecological balance of our environments. However, at times, these guardian giants may exhibit certain anomalies that cause concern, one of the most noticeable being bark splitting. This phenomenon can raise alarm bells among tree owners and nature enthusiasts alike.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the causes of bark splitting in trees, shedding light on this common yet perplexing issue. By understanding what causes trees to undergo such damage, we can better appreciate their needs and contribute to their health and longevity.

Call 317-783-2518 For Tree Bark Repair in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-783-2518 For Tree Bark Repair in Indianapolis Indiana

Common Causes of Splitting Tree Bark

When it comes to bark splitting, there are a few key culprits behind this phenomenon. The most common cause is weather-related damage. Freezing and thawing cycles, drought conditions, and extreme temperatures can all lead to bark splitting in trees. Additionally, insect or animal damage can also be a factor. For example, rodents may gnaw on the bark or eat away at the cambium layer, leading to splitting. Another source of damage can be linked to deer tampering or even fungal infections like Cystophora canker, which can cause bark splitting and other irregularities in some tree varieties.

Prevention and Treatment for Splitting Tree Bark

Fortunately, there are steps we can take to protect trees from tree bark damages. One key element is proper care and maintenance, which includes providing adequate water and nutrition. During extreme weather conditions, winterizing your trees can be beneficial in preventing dividing or other types of damage. Additionally, if you notice any signs of insect infestation or fungal infection, contact an arborist to assess the situation and determine the best course of action for treatment.

Finally, it’s important to practice safe pruning and trimming habits. To reduce stress on trees, prune them in the winter season when they are dormant. Furthermore, take care not to remove excessive amounts of bark as it can weaken the tree and lead to further separating. By being aware of what causes bark splitting in trees and taking the necessary steps, we can help these majestic beings stay strong and healthy for many years to come.

Working with an Arborist for Tree Care

When dealing with trees, it’s a good idea to work with an arborist rather than a typical tree trimming or tree removal service. An arborist is trained in recognizing signs of poor health or damage and can provide valuable insight into the best care for your trees. They can also offer tree pruning, fertilization, and other services to ensure your trees remain healthy throughout their life cycle.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, bark splitting is a common phenomenon that tends to cause concern among tree owners. Knowing what causes this issue and taking preventative steps as well as being aware of the best care practices for trees are important components of keeping them healthy and strong. With proper maintenance, you can look forward to enjoying your tree’s beauty and vital contribution to nature for many years to come. If you need assistance in caring for your trees or have any questions about this topic, do not hesitate to contact a certified arborist for help. They can provide you with the knowledge and resources to ensure your trees stay in good shape for years to come!

By taking a proactive approach to tree care, you’ll be able to identify signs of poor health or damage early on and take steps to remedy them before they become too severe. Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 to get advice from a certified arborist in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients with comprehensive tree care solutions.

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What You Can Do About Tree Bark Damages

Trees are inspirational and aesthetically pleasing. They are admired most for their gift of shade, bountiful harvests, beautiful scenery, and their part in nature’s course.  This is why it is troubling to see trees whose bark has been damaged by harsh weather, vandalism, lawn mowers, wild animals, and more. Tree bark is important for a trees health because it protects the conductive wood and tissue beneath.

Continue reading to learn how to repair damaged tree bark, and who to call for accurate and professional tree care advice.

Indianapolis Tree Care Service 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care Service 317-783-2518

Tree Bark Damage Solutions

When tree bark is damaged, the underlying tissue and wood can be exposed and detrimental to the tree.  It is crucial to act fast before the tree becomes even more vulnerable, leading to extensive bark damage and overall harm.  In short, when you see damaged tree bark, a few things will be in order right away. These include:

Removing the Loose Tree Bark
Facilitate Comprehensive Cultural Care
Provide Adequate Irrigation
Provide Adequate Fertilization
Possible Bridge Grafting
Preventing Further Damages and Threats

To remove loose tree bark, a person will need sterile and sharp pruning shears or a knife. Look for any bark that is loose, flapping, or bruised. This is the bark that will need to be cut off.  It is important for a person to not damage the wood that is still alive and intact. Cutting right at the line of decay is the best point of reference for safe tree bark removal.

Providing adequate water and fertilizer is crucial in order to reduce the potential for tree disease and vulnerability. It also promotes strong and sturdy tree growth and tissue repair. When tree bark is wounded or exposed, various wood-eating and burrowing pests can invade the tree. Emerald Ash Borers, Wood Beetles, and more can harm a tree’s health and damage it even further.

How to Evaluate Your Tree Care Needs in Indianapolis

Call Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 to speak with a friendly and knowledgeable Indianapolis tree care professional, and request a free estimate for a tree inspection, today. We have a state-certified arborist available to inspect the health and needs of your landscaping trees. Furthermore, we are a family owned and operated tree care company, which means we understand the value of a dollar, which is why we offer our tree services at fair and reasonable rates. So, get started today with a free quote!

Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518