5 Ways to Stop Moss Growth on Trees

In the right setting, moss can be very attractive: along streams, cascading down a mountain side, clinging to river rock, etc. But in the wrong place, such as trees, moss is actually a detriment, and even a nuisance. That is because moss grows abundantly and fast, taking over lawns, gardens, and anything else in its way. Moss also requires a substantial amount of water to thrive; so, when living on a tree, the moss takes most of the water needed for the tree to survive. The outcome: a distressed, thirsty tree on the brink of death. But the good news is that moss is easy to remove and prevent.

Continue reading to learn about 5 effective ways to stop the growth of moss on your property.

Indianapolis IN Tree Removal Services 317-783-2518
Indianapolis IN Tree Removal Services 317-783-2518

How to Get Rid of Moss on Trees

Watering the Lawn

Water your lawn less frequently. But when you do water your lawn, water it deeply. This way, you can afford to water it less without the risk of your grass drying up and dying. And most importantly, when you water your lawn, be very careful to NOT get the trunks of your trees wet. This is the formula for moss growth.

Test pH Levels in the Soil

Knowing your lawn’s pH levels is helpful when it comes to preventing moss growth. Use a store-bought soil testing kit to determine the pH level of your soil. Acidic soils can be balanced out with lime treatments. This will create unfavorable conditions for moss, preventing it from growing.

Aerate the Lawn

On the topic of soil, it is wise to aerate the lawn to prevent moss growth. If you do not want to aerate the soil, you can introduce new organic topsoil to your existing lawn soil. This will improve drainage, thus preventing standing water and moss growth.

Remove By Hand

If you have loads of moss growing on one or more of your landscaping trees, you can instantly get rid of it by picking it off manually. Just be gentle doing to not jeopardize the integrity of the tree bark. In the wintertime during their dormant stage, you can also use a power washer to remove moss from trees.

Hire a Tree Care Company for Tree Thinning Service

Thinning the branches of your landscaping trees will be beneficial for the trees because it lets in more sunlight to your property. Not only does this promote more food production in the tree, it prevents the cold, wet conditions that can lead to moss growth. Keeping your tree trunk dry is critical to moss prevention.

Do your landscaping trees seem to be suffering this summer? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed Indianapolis Indiana tree service and affordable price. We serve both residential and commercial clients all throughout central Indiana.

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Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

Questions and Answers About Oak Tree Care

Oak trees are a remarkable ancient species that provide a wide range of benefits for us and the surrounding environment. For these reasons, it is no surprise that you are interested in learning how to take better care of your oaks. Continue reading to review some common questions about oak tree care, and their answers too!

Oak Tree Removal Indianapolis IN
Oak Tree Removal Indianapolis IN 317-783-2518

Oak Tree Care FAQS:

How Big Does an Oak Tree Get?

When it comes to how big an oak tree can get, you must think about how old it can get. Oak trees can live up to 1,000 or more, but on average, live to be 200 years old. In fact, the Pechanga Great Oak Tree is considered to be the oldest in the world, coming in at a ripe age of 2,000 years. Although they live very long, they tend to max out in height, averaging between 50 and 70 feet. Branch to branch, their canopies can span as wide as 50 feet or more, and they produce an average of 2,000 acorns per year. White oaks tend to grow the tallest.

What are the Common Types of Oak Trees?

Our continent has the highest number of oak tree species, with 90 species native to the U.S., and 160 more in Mexico. The most prevalent oak trees found in Indiana include Northern and Southern Red oaks, Eastern White oaks, Chestnut oak, Bur oak, Black oaks, Scarlet oak, Pin oak, and Post oak.

Do Oak Trees Need to Be Pruned?

All trees require a specific regiment of care, and one of the most important parts of a tree care plan is annual pruning. Pruning oak trees and removing deadwood is a very delicate task compared to pruning other deciduous trees, so it should always be performed by a trained Indianapolis tree service professional.

Are Oak Trees Susceptible to Disease?

The two most common diseases that kill Oak trees are Sudden Oak Death and Oak Wilt. Sudden Oak Death (Phytophthora ramorum) is a water mold that takes down Oaks in as little as one month. Oak wilt is another lethal tree disease that is caused by the fungus Ceratocystis fagacearum. Additional diseases and pests that can impact an oak tree’s health include Powdery Mildew, Foamy Bark Canker (generally exclusive to California), galls, wood-boring beetles, gall wasps, and gypsy moths.

What Can I Do to Improve the Look of My Oak Trees?

The best way to get bountiful, robust, and brilliant looking oak trees is with a proper tree care plan. Trees require watering, fertilizing, mulching, sunlight, and more in order to grow strong and big. Talk to your professional tree service contractor for advice you can trust.

Do you have oak trees on your property that could use some TLC? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for oak tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and residential clients.

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How to Identify and Treat Oak Wilt
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Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

FAQS About Angiosperms and Gymnosperms

There are various tree species here in Indiana, ranging in color, size, shape, growth patterns, and more. But all trees can be categorized into one of two categories: deciduous or conifer. Deciduous trees shed their foliage in the fall and re-bloom them in the spring. Conifer trees, also known as evergreens, keep their foliage all year long.

When trying to determine if a tree is an angiosperm or gymnosperm, your first step is to determine if it is a deciduous or conifer. Continue reading to learn the difference between an angiosperm and gymnosperm in order to improve your tree identification skills!

Indianapolis Indiana Tree Service 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Indiana Tree Service 317-783-2518

Frequently Asked Questions About Angiosperms and Gymnosperms

What are Angiosperms?

Angiosperms are a taxonomic class of flowering trees. These trees produce seeds that, when matured, is enclosed in an ovule (usually a fruit). For example, an apple is the mature seed that an angiosperm tree produces. The apple is the ovary, or ovule. Angiosperm trees lose their leaves in the fall, and regrow them in the spring, making them a deciduous tree. They are classified as hardwoods, and include species like oaks, maples, dogwoods, and more.

Common Angiosperms:

▷ Lilies
▷ Orchids
▷ Roses
▷ Sunflowers
▷ Oak Trees
▷ Maple Trees
▷ Fruit-Bearing Trees

What are Gymnosperms?

Gymnosperms are a taxonomic class of non-flowering trees that produce a mature seed that is not enclosed inside an ovule of any kind. A pine cone is a perfect example. Also known as “naked seed”, gymnosperm trees are softwoods, and do not lose their foliage in the winter. This makes these conifers. Species include pine trees, cedars, spruces, and firs.

Common Gymnosperms:

▷ Pine Trees
▷ Conifers
▷ Cycads
▷ Spruce Trees
▷ Firs

How Can You Tell the Difference Between the Two?

Here is the general rule to remember: Conifers are gymnosperms and deciduous trees are angiosperms. There are exceptions to the rule, however. You see, some angiosperms keep their leaves in the winter, such as live oak, sweet bay magnolia, and rhododendron trees. And gymnosperm trees do lose their foliage in the winter, such as ginkgo, dawn redwood, and bald cypress trees.

Looking for prompt and professional tree care in your area? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for Indianapolis Indiana tree services you can trust. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

The Average Cost of Removing a Fallen Tree

When trees fall, the outcome can be very devastating. Large trees can completely demolish houses, cave in roof tops and garages, take out power lines and telephone poles, and even harm people and pets. Furthermore, a fallen tree can still be a hazard even after it has already toppled over.

Indianapolis Tree Removal Services 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Removal Services 317-783-2518

Factors That Impact Tree Removal Cost

The price for tree removal is dependent on various factors, including the company, the size of a tree, the condition of a tree, location of a tree, degree of risk, surrounding environmental factors, and more. It is best to simply contact a local Indianapolis tree service company and request an estimate for fallen tree removal.

A licensed and insured tree care specialist will ask you a series of questions to help measure an average price over the phone. Next, they will come out in person to evaluate the circumstances surrounding the fallen tree. From there, they can provide a final, accurate estimate.

Average Price Expectations

As for average costs, tree removal prices can be as low as $100 and as high as $1000 or more. Refer to the guide below for average tree removal cost estimations.

25 to 30 Feet = $100 – $400

30 to 75 Feet = $400 – $1000

75+ Feet = $1000+

Additional Costs to Consider

Aside from tree removal, there are some additional costs to be aware of. Some companies charge extra (up to 50% more) if trees are obstructing (or located over) utility lines, power lines, roads, buildings, and public trans ways. 

If you wish to have the stump removed as well, you will most likely face additional charges for stump removal service. This ranges anywhere between $100 and $500, depending on the size of the stump and the extent of the underground root system.

Also, it is common for tree care companies to charge an additional fee of $50 to $75 for haul-away service. It is important to ask if hauling service is included in the estimate given to you before you decide to accept a final quote.

Did a tree fall over on your property? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for prompt and professional tree removal in Indianapolis, Indiana. We maintain economy-based pricing and provide both residential and commercial tree services.

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Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

How to Mulch Around a Tree

Did you know that mulching is one of the most effective and beneficial method of tree care? In fact, properly mulching your landscaping trees can promote healthier, longer-lasting trees. Continue reading to learn the correct method of laying mulch around your landscaping trees, and where you can get affordable help with Indianapolis tree care near you.

Tree Care Services Indianapolis Indiana
Tree Care Services Indianapolis Indiana 317-783-2518

Spring is the Right Time to Re-Mulch Trees

When applied improperly, mulch can have negative effects on a tree’s health. For this reason, proper mulching methods are important, and should be practiced every spring. And since spring is here, it is time to start thinking about your seasonal tree care needs, including new mulch! Just a quick note, but mulching is not just a spring tree care task; it is also important to mulch your trees in the winter too! Get started in the Spring as soon as the ground has fully thawed. In the fall, you will wait until temperatures are pre-freezing, and then lay your mulch before the first winter front arrives.

Professional-Level Tree Mulching Advice

When it comes to mulching your trees, it is recommended to use organic mulch. Although inorganic mulch is tempting since it doesn’t need to be replenished as often, the benefits derived from organic materials and decomposition outweigh the benefits of using inorganic mulch. In fact, most arborists prefer to use an organic product.

When mulching your trees, keep in mind that using too much can actually be detrimental. Over-mulching can lead to tree stress, excessive ground moisture, root rot, tree and bark diseases, insect and rodent infestations, tree girdling, reduced air penetration, unbalanced soil pH, and more. To be safe, keep mulch depths between 2 and 4 inches.

Be sure to check the project area for adequate water drainage before applying mulch. If the water drainage is poor, then too much mulch may lead to many of the above-mentioned tree problems. Try using less mulch for areas with inadequate drainage.

Before applying new mulch over existing mulch, first measure the depth to prevent over-mulching. If the depth is still 2 to 4 inches, do not apply new mulch. Instead, use a rake to release the top matted layers and refresh the look of the mulch. If faded, visit your local gardening store for a spray-on, water-soluble, vegetable-based dye to brighten up the color. Also, be sure to also spread out any piles that may have built-up against the tree trunk. The base of the tree should be exposed.

Do you need professional Indianapolis tree care or tree assistance? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for Indianapolis Indiana tree services you can trust. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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The Common Process of Tree Fertilization
Get Spring Tree Service Deals in Indianapolis at Complete Tree Care
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Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

The ANSI Standards for Tree Pruning

Spring is just about here, and tree pruning is a critical part of spring tree care. Trees must be pruned to promote new, strong, healthy growth, as well as, to promote safety and security of landscaping trees. Not only is tree pruning a vital component to your tree’s overall health, but it is also a dangerous job that requires decades of hands-on experience and practice. It also requires specific tools, equipment, and most importantly, the right knowledge.

Indianapolis Tree Pruning Service
Indianapolis Tree Pruning Service 317-783-2518

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

Improper tree pruning can kill trees, so the techniques and methods used to prune trees is very specific. In fact, the Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) developed a set of standards for proper tree pruning that is used among true professional tree service contractors. This set of voluntary industry consensus standards was written by the Accredited Standards Committee (ASC), and is called the American National Standards Institute A300, or ASC A300.  They are the generally accepted industry standards for tree care practices. They continue the initiative of developing consensus performance standards based on current research and sound practice for writing specifications to manage trees, shrubs, and other woody plants.  

The Parts of ANSI A300

Tree pruning is only the first part of the ANSI A300. It other parts include soil management, supplemental support systems, lightning protection systems, management, planting and transplanting, integrate vegetation management, root management standard, tree risk assessment, and IPM (pest management).

ANSI A300 Tree Pruning Standards Cover:

☙ Pruning Objectives
☙ Pruning Systems
☙ Pruning Specifications
☙ Pruning Cuts
☙ Pruning Practices
☙ Palms and Similar Plants
☙ Pruning Definitions

*You can view the ANSI A300 in full, here.

Ready to schedule your lot’s seasonal tree services? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for Indianapolis Indiana tree services you can trust. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

Should I Spray Anti-Desiccants on My Evergreen Trees?

Winter is hard on trees. It may not look like it, but the cold climate and harsh conditions can cause a long list of hardships, even for coniferous trees like evergreens. The ultimate way to better protect your evergreen landscaping trees from freezing temperature and inclement winter weather is stay on top of your routine tree care checklist throughout the winter season. Additionally, consider adding anti-desiccant treatments to your checklist too. Unsure about the effects and applications of anti-desiccants on evergreen trees? You are not alone.

Continue reading to learn some brief, fundamental facts about such tree care treatments, including how they help trees survive the winter and where you can find trusted winter tree service near you.

Winter Tree Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-783-2518
Winter Tree Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-783-2518

Coniferous Tree Damage in Winter

In general, the most damaging effect on trees is the loss of moisture they experience. Through tiny pores on their needles or leaves, trees will lose moisture and dry out. Because of the extreme dry air and harsher winds, the rate of moisture loss in trees is drastically accelerated, which causes a faster decline compared to other seasons of the year. Coniferous trees react to these elemental conditions by drawing more and more water from the roots to feeds the leaves or needles. As a result, trees experience all sorts of health problems, primarily needle discoloration and loss. This tree health problem is known as winter burn, or winter desiccation.

Anti-Desiccants Can Prevent Winter Burn

A common method of preventing the affects of winter weather and moisture loss in trees, including winter burn, is to include anti-desiccant treatments to your regular tree care routine. Anti-desiccants are effective at abating this cycle of water over-consumption and needle loss in trees because they are specially formulated to stop moisture in its tracks. Anti-desiccant treatments are a wax coating application applied to the needles and leaves of trees that acts as a barrier against harsh winters, freezing temperatures and dry air. Think of anti-desiccant coatings like your hand moisturizers or house humidifiers, which promote moisture retention and abates moisture loss in our skin.

Additional Ways to Protect Trees in Winter:

► Mulch Around Trees
► Insulate/Wrap Tree Trunks
► Brace Young or Vulnerable Trees
► Prevent Deer Damage  
► Remove Heavy Snow on Branches
► Keep Ice Salts Away
► Prune in the Spring and Fall
► Annual Tree Inspections

Where to Get Winter Tree Service in Indianapolis, Indiana

Call Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for Indianapolis tree service you can trust. We are highly trained and experienced tree care technicians that offer commercial and residential tree services at affordable prices. Request an estimate or advice anytime. Contact us to learn more about tree care in Indianapolis, IN today.

Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

How to Prevent Poor Tree Health

It is wintertime, so it’s expected for trees to be well into their dormancy stage. But there is a different between dormant trees and dying trees, even though the signs are virtually indiscernible at first glance. Dying trees are not green under the bark, and do not show signs of growth buds on their branches. Talk to a local tree care contractor to assess the condition of a tree that has given you some concerned. They will be able to determine whether or not your tree is dormant, dead, or dying. When it comes times to ask yourself what caused your tree to experience problems, you will need to understand a few things about tree care.

Continue reading to learn what it takes to ensure landscaping trees remain healthy and hazard-free assets to your property.

Indianapolis Tree Removal Services
Indianapolis Tree Removal Services 317-783-2518

What You Need to Know About Tree Health

Fundamentally, trees need water, nutrients, and sunlight to survive. But trees really need a lot of water. In fact, some trees require hundreds of gallons of water each day! There are several other factors that influence the health of a tree (i.e. soil, weather, pollution, over-crowdings, etc.), but these three elements are the most influential. If even one of them is disturbed, it can cause the tree distress, and eventual decline in health. And a spot of decline leaves a tree in a more vulnerable state, making it more susceptible to pest infestations and tree diseases.

Fortunately, there are plenty of effective ways to make sure your trees survive the winter, and thrive throughout each upcoming season. Below are some important tree care tips to consider if you are concerned about the condition of your landscaping trees.

Professional Tree Care Advice to Follow All Year

Provide routine tree care, including trimming, pruning, watering, fertilizing, and mulching. Pruning dead branches is especially important to prevent tree cankers, weevils, and blights.

Use a professional tree care company for major tree work, like tree removal, stump grinding, tree diseases, infestations, and more.

Only plant drought-tolerant tree species if you live in a region where hot-spells and dry-spells are common.

Remove dead or dying trees IMMEDIATELY. The longer they are on your property, the more problems and hazards they can potentially impose.

Thin out any underbrush and small tree canopies to improve the vigor of your other trees. Provide canopy thinning in the spring to promote more sunlight and healthy growth.

Where to Get Trusted Indianapolis Indiana Tree Service Year-Round

Call Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for professional tree inspection services from a certified arborist in Indianapolis, Indiana and surrounding locations. Our certified tree service company in Indianapolis delivers a wide range of skilled tree removal and tree care services for residential and commercial properties. If you have a tree emergency, we also offer same day service, and two separate after-hours phone lines. Request a free estimate, today.

Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

4 Winter Storm Preparation Tips for Landscaping Trees

Winter storms can bring about a mixture of freezing rain, snow, ice, hail, lightening, and more. So long as you have strong, healthy trees, you can rest assure they will stand up to this type of inclement, seasonal weather that is to be expected. But if you have young, weak, newly planted, or vulnerable trees on your property, there is a smaller chance that they will thrive through a winter storm spell. If you do not do what it takes to protect your landscaping trees from winter storm conditions, you are at a much higher risk of waking up to storm damaged trees.

Continue reading to learn the top 4 winter storm preparation tree care tips, and how to get started with a professional tree inspection.

Indianapolis Tree Pruning 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Pruning 317-783-2518

4 Ways to Stronger and Healthier Trees

Routine Tree Care and Pruning

Trees with denser canopies, strong branches, and healthy roots are trees that will stand up to winter weather and storms. In order to achieve this for your landscaping trees, they should be serviced at least bi-annually by a licensed tree care provider for tree pruning, fertilizing, trimming, and inspection. Tree pruning is one of the most vital routine tree services that make for stronger, healthier trees, and should be the main area of focus in the fall or early spring. Talk to your Indianapolis tree service company to learn your recommended tree care schedule.

Year-Round Mulching

Trees need to be mulched if you want any chance at success. Mulch plays many important functions for trees, and the roots below. With a wide perimeter of mulch around the base of your trees, the root systems are well-moistened, and the trunk is protected from potential lawnmower damage. Furthermore, mulch contains organic constituents that are pertinent to the nutrition of the soil and quality of the root system.

Mulch is a year-round necessity for trees, as it preserves the heat of the sun and prevents the ground from freezing in harsh temperatures. All of this helps promotes healthy tree growth come spring and summer. When mulching your trees in spring and fall, aim between 2 and 3 inches of mulch at the base, but be sure not to allow the mulch to “crawl” up the trunk of the tree.

Protection Against Lightning

Although lightening is not a major threat during the winter season, you still need to protect your trees against lightening damage year-long. This way, your trees will remain strong and resilient when the winter weather is upon us. To do this, consider installing a quality lightning protection system. These devices will direct electrical currents away from the tree, sending them down a sequence of wires and into the ground.

Tree Cavity Management

Tree cavities might not seem like they are a big threat, but they are a common influence on how well a tree can withstand inclement winter weather conditions. The more hollowed a tree, the less stable it is, and therefore, more susceptible to strong winds and rains, or heavy snow and ice. So, keep an eye out on all tree cavities, and monitor their progress. If you are noticing that one tree cavity is growing too large, you will need to have that tree inspected, and possibly cabled or braced for the winter.

A Complete Tree Care Offers Winter Tree Protection Service in Indianapolis

Call Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for trusted winter tree service in Indianapolis and throughout Central Indiana. We are a family owned and operated Indianapolis tree care company that offers the most competitive prices for tree trimming and pruning, tree removal, stump removal, and more. Our tree service pros serve both residential and commercial clients all throughout the Central parts of the state. Request a free estimate or advice, today.

Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

Where to Recycle Your Christmas Tree in Indianapolis

Although Christmas Day is behind us, the beloved tree is still standing and decorated in the living room. That’s the way to continue the seasonal spirit into the New Year! But before long, you will have to take down your verdant Christmas tree, and find a way to dispose of it nearby. Some neighborhoods actually have a community garbage service that is scheduled to collect Christmas trees on an upcoming day.

If you do not have access to curbside Christmas tree garbage collection, or perhaps you miss the collection day, there are plenty of other places you can recycle your old Christmas tree in Indianapolis!

Indianapolis Indiana Tree Service
Indianapolis Winter Tree Service 317-783-2518

Indianapolis Department of Public Works and Indy Parks

The Indianapolis Department of Public Works and Indy Parks are this holiday season’s GO-TO Christmas tree recycling source! From Dec. 25 to Jan. 31, there will be several locations set up throughout Marion County, inside local public parks, for anyone to dispose of their Christmas trees. Not only is this service free of charge, but you can appreciate and feel good about the fact that you are actually RECYCLING your Christmas tree! That’s because all Christmas trees that are dropped off are reused as soil blends, mulch, and wood chippings in several different Indianapolis public parks and communities!

What You Need to Know About Christmas Tree Drop Off

Before you drop off your Christmas tree, remove all decorations, lighting, tinsel, and hooks. Then find an Indianapolis Department of Public Works Indy Park Christmas tree disposal location nearest you, here. Be sure to thoroughly secure your Christmas tree to the top of your vehicle using quality cargo support straps or ratchet straps. If you can fit your tree inside the trunk, be sure you can still close it all the way. It is not recommended to use bungee cords or ropes to secure a half-open trunk. If you are transporting your Christmas tree in the bed of a truck, still use straps or weights to ensure it does not fly out.

A Full List of Drop Off Locations in Marion County:

? Sahm Park
? Krannert Park
? Northwestway Park
? Ellenberger Park
? Garfield Park
? Perry Park
? Riverside Park
? Broad Ripple Park

What Happens to Recycled Christmas Trees in Indianapolis?

Not only do the Indianapolis Department of Public Works and Indy Parks make Indianapolis Christmas tree disposal easy and free of charge, but they also make it very worth your while. That is because all Christmas trees dropped off for recycling are repurposed into wood chips, mulch materials, and soil blends, all of which are used in our local public parks and surrounding communities! In fact, last year Park Maintenance chipped more than 7,200 Christmas trees, and dispersed them in public parks all throughout the city! Now that is something the whole family can feel good about! What a great opportunity to teach your children about Eco-consciousness and preservation too!

Are You in Need of Winter Tree Service in Indianapolis?

Call Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for winter Indianapolis tree service you can trust. We serve all of Central Indiana with a wide range of skilled tree removal and tree care services, for both residential and commercial properties. Whether you need a single tree removed, an entire lot cleared, or some routine tree service like tree trimming or pruning, we can deliver the prompt and professional service you expect, and at a fair price. Call 317-783-2518 to request a free estimate, today.

Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518