Top FAQs About Tree Removal Services Every Homeowner Should Know

Trees are more than just beautiful additions to our landscapes. They provide shade, enhance curb appeal, and even help with energy savings. However, there are times when tree removal becomes necessary. For homeowners, gardeners, and property managers, understanding tree removal services is crucial for maintaining a safe and aesthetically pleasing environment.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some common FAQs about tree removal services. We’ll discuss when tree removal is necessary, how to identify signs of a dying tree, replanting uprooted trees, DIY tree removal, costs involved, and stump removal. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of the tree removal process and why hiring professionals is essential. Let’s get started!

Call 317-783-2518 For Professional Tree Removal Service in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-783-2518 For Professional Tree Removal Service in Indianapolis Indiana

Frequently Asked Questions About Tree Removal Service

When Is Tree Removal Necessary?

Tree removal may be needed for several reasons. The most common ones include:

It’s essential to assess each situation carefully. Consulting with a professional can provide clarity on whether tree removal is the best option.

What Are the Signs of a Dying Tree?

Identifying a dying tree early can prevent potential hazards. Here are some signs to look out for:

  1. Bark and Wood Damage:
  • Cracks or splits in the trunk.
  • Peeling or loose bark.
  • Large wounds or areas with missing bark.
  1. Foliage Indicators:
  • Sparse leaf coverage or branches without leaves.
  • Leaves that are discolored or wilted
  • Premature leaf drop, especially during the growing season.
  1. Root Issues:
  • Visible root damage or decay.
  • Heaving soil around the base of the tree.
  • Fungal growth at the base, indicating internal decay.

If you notice these signs, it’s time to call in an expert for a thorough evaluation. Early detection can sometimes save a tree, but in many cases, removal might be the safest option.

Can an Uprooted Tree Be Replanted?

An uprooted tree is a distressing sight, but replanting may be possible, depending on the circumstances. Consulting with a tree care professional can help determine the best course of action. Sometimes, even if replanting is possible, it may not be the most practical solution. Consider these factors:

  1. Tree Size:
  • Smaller trees have a higher chance of successful replanting.
  • Large trees are more challenging due to extensive root systems.
  1. Root Condition:
  • Intact and undamaged roots increase the likelihood of survival.
  • Severely damaged roots reduce the chances of successful replanting.
  1. Time Frame:
  • The sooner the tree is replanted, the better its chances of recovery.
  • Prolonged exposure to air can dry out the roots and reduce viability.

Can I Remove a Tree Myself?

While DIY tree removal might seem like a cost-effective option, it’s not advisable for several reasons. Here are some of those reasons:

  1. Safety Risks:
  • Falling branches can cause serious injury or property damage.
  • Using chainsaws and other equipment without proper training is dangerous.
  1. Technical Challenges:
  • Trees can fall unpredictably, especially in confined spaces.
  • Root systems can be extensive and difficult to handle.
  1. Legal Considerations:
  • Some areas have regulations and permits required for tree removal.
  • Improper removal can lead to fines or legal issues.

Hiring a professional ensures the job is done safely, efficiently, and in compliance with local regulations. Tree removal experts have the knowledge, experience, and equipment to handle the task effectively.

How Much Does Tree Removal Cost?

The cost of tree removal can vary widely based on several factors. Such factors include, but are not limited to:

  1. Tree Size:
  • Larger trees typically cost more to remove than smaller ones.
  • Height, trunk diameter, and canopy spread all influence the price.
  1. Location:
  • Trees in hard-to-reach areas or near structures may incur higher costs.
  • Accessibility can affect the complexity of the removal process.
  1. Condition:
  • Diseased or damaged trees may require additional safety precautions.
  • The overall health and stability of the tree impact the cost.

On average, homeowners can expect to pay between $150 and $1,500 for tree removal. However, obtaining quotes from multiple tree removal services is essential. This ensures you get a fair price and understand the scope of work involved.

Can a Tree Stump Be Removed?

Tree stumps can be unsightly and pose tripping hazards. Removing stumps is often a necessary part of the tree removal process. Here are the common methods:

  1. Stump Grinding:
  • Uses a mechanical grinder to break down the stump into small pieces.
  • Fast and efficient, leaving the area ready for replanting or landscaping.
  1. Chemical Removal:
  • Involves applying chemicals to accelerate the decomposition process.
  • Takes longer but is less labor-intensive.
  1. Manual Removal:
  • Physical digging out of the stump and roots.
  • Labor-intensive and suitable for smaller stumps.

Each method has its advantages and considerations. Consulting with a professional can help determine the best approach for your specific situation.

A Detailed Explanation of the Tree Removal Process

Understanding the tree removal process can alleviate concerns and set clear expectations. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

  1. Initial Assessment:
  • A professional arborist inspects the tree and surrounding area.
  • They evaluate the tree’s health, size, and location.
  1. Permits and Regulations:
  • Some regions require permits for tree removal.
  • The tree service company handles necessary paperwork and compliance.
  1. Preparation:
  • The area around the tree is cleared of obstacles.
  • Safety measures are put in place to protect property and people.
  1. Tree Felling:
  • The tree is cut down in sections, starting from the top.
  • Ropes and pulleys guide the branches and trunk safely to the ground.
  1. Debris Removal:
  • Branches and trunk sections are removed from the site.
  • The area is cleaned up, leaving no trace of the tree behind.
  1. Stump Removal:
  • If requested, the stump is removed using one of the methods mentioned earlier.
  • The ground is leveled and prepared for future use.

Throughout the process, safety is a top priority. Professional tree removal services ensure the job is done efficiently and with minimal disruption to your property.


Tree removal is a significant undertaking that requires careful consideration and expertise. Understanding when and why tree removal is necessary, recognizing the signs of a dying tree, and knowing the costs involved are crucial for homeowners, gardeners, and property managers. Safety should always be a priority, and hiring professional tree removal services ensures the job is done right.

If you need expert tree service solutions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed and insured tree removal in Indianapolis, Indiana, today. We serve residential and commercial clients with comprehensive tree care solutions.

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Transforming Landscapes: Homeowner’s Handbook to Stump Removal

Transforming Landscapes: Homeowner’s Handbook to Stump Removal

Homeownership often comes with the inevitable task of yard maintenance, and one of the most labor-intensive and overlooked aspects of this duty is tree stump removal. Whether you’ve inherited these wooden impediments with your paradise plot or have recently concluded a tree-topping adventure in your lawn, those stubborn stumps can pose both as an eyesore and a nuisance over time.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll uncover everything you need to know about safe and effective tree stump removal. We’ll discuss the various techniques to eliminate stumps, the factors to consider when choosing a method, and why enlisting professional help can often be the best plan of action. For homeowners looking to reclaim the full potential of their green spaces, this post is a must-read.

Call 317-783-2518 For Professional Stump Removal Near Indianapolis
Call 317-783-2518 For Professional Stump Removal Near Indianapolis

What Reasons are There to Remove a Tree Stump?

Tree stumps may seem innocuous, but their presence in your yard brings more than just a rustic aesthetic. Here are some compelling reasons to wave goodbye to these arboreal remnants:

Safety Hazards: Overlooked stumps can be a tripping hazard for you, your family, and guests. In time, the visible hazard grows invisible under grass or snow, only to resurface when it’s too late.

Aesthetics and Space Management: A well-manicured lawn can significantly improve your home’s curb appeal, but stumps stick out like sore thumbs. Stump-free gardens also free space for new plantings or provide a clean slate for landscape modifications.

Regrowth Prevention: Left to their own devices, stumps often sprout new, albeit unsightly, growth. Dealing with these offspring can be as much of a headache as the original stump removal process.

Methods of Tree Stump Removal

Different stumps require different approaches. Here are a few techniques, from organic to heavy-duty, and their considerations:

Digging Out

One of the oldest methods, digging out a stump, requires significant effort and time, especially for larger ones. It can, however, be cost-effective for smaller stumps with shallower root systems.


Stump grinding is the go-to method for most stumps, especially those with extensive roots. This process involves machinery that literally grinds the stump into wood chips, saving you from extensive digging and hefty labor.

Chemical Removal

Chemical solutions can accelerate the stump’s decomposition process, making it easier to burn or for nature to take its course. This method is not instant and usually takes several applications over time to be effective.


Burning a stump can be an efficient way to clear it, but it’s vital to check local regulations and ensure that it’s safe to do so in your area. Controlled burns can be dangerous if not managed properly.

Natural Decomposition

For the patient homeowner, allowing a stump to decompose naturally can be an environmentally friendly approach, but keep in mind that this process can take several years.

Each method has its place, and the right one for you depends on your priorities, the type of tree, and the size of the stump.

DIY vs. Professional Services

Once you’ve weighed your options, it’s time to consider whether to tackle the project yourself or to call a licensed and insured tree service company that provides stump removal service.


✅ You have control over the process, and it can be cost-effective for smaller stumps.
❌ It’s labor-intensive, time-consuming, and can be dangerous, especially for stumps with complex root systems or near utility lines.

Professional Services

✅ They offer expertise, the right equipment, and faster job completion.
❌ It’s a more significant initial investment than a DIY project.

For most homeowners, the risks and work involved in DIY stump removal make professional services a worthwhile investment.

Environmental Considerations

Each removal method has environmental implications that should be carefully considered.

Soil Impact: Digging out a stump can seriously disturb your soil, while chemical methods may affect local pH levels. Stump grinding is usually considered the least impactful method.

Impact on Wildlife: Stump removal can disrupt the ecosystems around your tree. Check for sensitive or federally-protected wildlife, like bats and Chimney swifts, before beginning any removal process.

Landscaping: Consider how sensitive your surrounding landscape is to each method of removal and how it might impact areas you wish to remain undisturbed.

Tree Trunk Removal Costs

Understanding the financial implications of stump removal will help you budget accordingly.

Size and Quantity: Expect costs to vary depending on the size and number of stumps you need to remove. Larger and older trees with complex root systems will be more expensive.

Method: DIY methods are generally cheaper than professional services, but the true cost involves your time and safety.

Restoration Costs: After the stump is removed, you may need to invest in landscaping to restore your yard. This should be included in your overall budgeting.


Tree stump removal is a significant undertaking but a rewarding one that can transform your outdoor living space. By understanding the different methods and their implications, you’re well on your way to making an informed decision about how to tackle this necessary chore.

If you choose to go the professional route, contact reputable local tree service companies to discuss your needs and receive quotes. They’ll ensure the job is done safely and effectively, giving you peace of mind and a stump-free yard to enjoy.

Are you ready to transform your yard into a clear, beautiful, and functional space? Call Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for affordable stump removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients with comprehensive tree care solutions.

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The Ultimate Guide to Tree Stump Removal Options

Having a tree stump in your yard can be an eyesore and a nuisance. If you’ve recently had a tree removed, then it’s time to think about the best way to get rid of the remaining stump. There are several methods available for tree trunk removal, including grinding, burning, and chemical treatments. Each method has its own pros and cons, so it’s important to understand them before making any decisions.

In this guide we’ll cover all the different options available for removing those pesky stumps from your property. From DIY solutions like burning or digging out the root ball to professional tree care services such as stump grinding or chemical treatment – we’ve got you covered! So, continue reading to find out which tree stump removal option is right for you!

Call 317-783-2518 For Stump Removal Service in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-783-2518 For Stump Removal Service in Indianapolis Indiana

What You Need to Know Before Removing a Tree Stump

If you’re planning on removing a tree stump from your yard, there are a few things you need to know before getting started. First and foremost, it’s important to understand the potential risks that come with stump removal. Removing a tree stump can be a dangerous task if not done properly, so it’s crucial to hire a professional if you’re unsure of what you’re doing. Ultimately, the decision to remove a tree stump should be based on your individual needs and circumstances but be sure to consider all your options and take appropriate precautions before beginning the process.

Top Options for Stump Removal

🪵 Stump Grinding: One of the most popular methods for removing tree trunks from the ground is to grind them down into smaller pieces. This process uses a large machine that grinds away the stump, leaving behind small mulch-like pieces of wood. Stump grinding can be done by professionals or as a DIY project. The biggest advantage of this method is that it’s fast and relatively inexpensive.

🪵 Stump Burning: Another option for tree stump removal is burning it out with fire. This process requires building a fire around the trunk base and keeping it lit until the wood has burned down completely, which could take several hours depending on the size of the stump. While burning may seem like an easy solution, there are some potential risks associated with this method. If done improperly, stump burning can result in an out-of-control fire that could spread to nearby buildings or vegetation.

🪵 Chemical Treatments: Chemical treatments are another option for tree stump removal. This process involves applying a chemical solution directly onto the stump, which causes the wood to decay over time and eventually disappear completely. This is generally the safest and most environmentally friendly way to remove a stubborn stump from your property, but it’s also one of the slowest processes – it can take up to a few months for the stump to completely decompose using this method.

🪵 Digging Out the Root Ball: For large stumps where other methods may not be practical, you can always try digging out the root ball. This process requires digging around the stump and removing as much of the roots as possible. While this method may take some time and effort to complete, it can be effective in getting rid of stubborn stumps that are difficult to remove using other methods.

In Summary

Removing a tree stump doesn’t have to be a hassle! With these different methods available, you can find one that works best for your specific situation. As always, if you’re unsure about which option is right for you or if you feel unsafe attempting any of these processes on your own, then don’t hesitate to contact a professional who can help!

Are you interested in learning just how affordable and convenient professional tree stump removal services can be in the Indy areas? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed stump removal and stump grinding in Indianapolis and surrounding counties. We provide residential and commercial tree services throughout Central Indiana.

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The Benefits of Professional Tree Stump Removal
Why Tree Stump Removal Might Be the Right Option for Your Landscape
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The Benefits of Professional Tree Stump Removal

Are tree stumps taking over your garden or yard? If so, you’re not alone. Tree stumps can be unsightly and difficult to remove on your own. Luckily, there are professional tree stump removal services that can help get rid of them quickly and efficiently. Continue below to learn your options for removing a tree trunk from your property, plus some bonus tips on where to get started.

Call 317-783-2518 For Professional Stump Grinding in Indianapolis Indiana.
Call 317-783-2518 For Professional Stump Grinding in Indianapolis Indiana.

Tree Stump Removal Options for Property Owners

Stump Removal

Professional tree stump removal offers several benefits compared to DIY methods. For starters, it’s a lot faster than trying to dig out the tree stump yourself with a shovel or pick-axe! Professional tree stump removers have specialized equipment, such as chippers and grinders, which make quick work of even the most stubborn tree roots and stumps.

In addition, professional tree care operators know how much force is needed for each job—too little won’t do the trick but too much could damage nearby plants and trees. Finally, these professionals will clean up after themselves once they’re done so you don’t have to worry about disposing of any debris afterwards.

All in all, hiring a professional tree stump removal service is one of the best ways to keep your landscape looking neat and tidy without putting in too much effort or time!

Stump Grinding Services

In addition to tree stump removal, there are also tree stump grinding services available. Stump grinding involves using a specific machine to grind away tree stumps until they are almost level with the ground. This is a great option if you want to get rid of tree stumps without having to dig them out altogether. It can also be beneficial if you’re looking to replant or landscape in a tree stump-free area.

Why Choose Professional Tree Services

Overall, tree stump removal and grinding are invaluable services for anyone dealing with tree stumps on their property. Professional tree stump removers and grinders have the expertise and equipment necessary to make quick work of even the toughest tree stumps. They can also offer help with tree stump disposal and clean up after they’re done.  So, if you have tree stumps on your property, don’t hesitate to hire a tree stump removal or grinding service to get the job done quickly and safely!

Stump Removal in Indianapolis

Put your trust in the expert tree specialists at Complete Tree Care! Our certified technicians provide top-notch stump removal services with an unbeatable price tag throughout Central Indiana. We guarantee quality equipment and comprehensive training, ensuring we perform safe and effective stump grinding every time. Let us be your go-to source for commercial or residential service – our experienced team is prepared to take on any project you have!

For fast and reliable tree stump removal and grinding services in Indianapolis, contact us at 317-783-2518. Our team of professional tree technicians provide commercial and residential stump removal and lot clearing services throughout central Indiana. Request a quote, today!

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3 Reasons Why Tree Stump Removal Might Be the Right Option for Your Landscape

If you are someone who takes great pride in the appearance, safety, and overall function of your landscaping, then your lot most certainly has trees. So, at some point in time, maybe now even, you will inevitably require professional tree removal service. After all, trees are not meant to live forever, and there are various other reasons to remove a tree other than it being dead. The dilemma that some property owners face after having a tree removed, however, is the tree stump that gets left behind. Fortunately, there are methods of stump removal, if that is the right option for your landscaping needs.

Continue reading to learn the top three reasons why most tree service clients opt for stump removal, as well as some alternatives that might be a better fit for you.

Indianapolis Tree Stump Removal
Indianapolis Tree Stump Removal and Tree Care 317-783-2518

When Tree Stump Removal is Might Be Necessary

Tree Growth Stimulation

The fact that leftover stumps can become a catalyst for other trees to grow around them is both a pro and a con. It is advantageous if you want more trees on your property. However, if you had a tree removed for reasons of disease or poor soil conditions, it could be setting you up for more tree removal in the future. If you simply did not want a tree there, you certainly do not want more to grow, and a leftover stump may cause more trees to sprout nearby.

Seasonal Pest Control

Stumps are known to attract pests and wildlife, especially during the spring. By removing them, you can prevent insects like termites, grasshoppers, ants, and more, from taking over your property. Pests like these can also invade other healthy trees on your property, so getting rid of them can provide added protection. Also, if pests are under control, less wildlife is attracted to your property since their food source is gone.

Improve Lot Appearance

Tree stumps are not always attractive, and can even lower a home’s market value. By taking them out, you can improve your lawn’s appearance by giving it a crisp, clean, uniform look. It also makes lawn mowing easier, and increases square footage space for outdoor activities like games, gardening, and more. Sometimes, a tree stump can violate a neighborhood’s homeowners’ association regulations, so they have to be removed.

Alternatives to Removing a Tree Stump

If you are not interested in getting rid of a leftover stump, you have some other others. You can choose stump grinding services instead, which essentially grind down the stump so that it is level to the ground or slightly below the soil. Although you cannot plant anything on top, it allows you to cover up the area with mulch or grass. In addition to grinding, you can also rot it, burn it, or sculpt it into art, like a bird house or chair.

Professional Tree Removal and Tree Stump Removal in Indianapolis

Call Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for stump removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding locations. We are highly trained and experienced tree care technicians that offer commercial and residential tree services at affordable prices. From lot clearing to stump grinding, our teams are fully-equipped and highly trained to take on any size project. Also, if you have a tree emergency after regular business hours, we offer two separate after-hours phone lines!

Need-to-Know Glossary Terms for Tree Care

If you are a new homeowner, or simply new to the landscaping and gardening world, you will soon discover that trees are an important part of your property, and require routine care in order to grow and thrive to their full capacity. One place to start when it comes to tree care is terminology. By reviewing some common tree care terms, you will better understand your research and be better prepared to discuss your tree care needs with a professional.

Continue reading and you will find a helpful glossary full of need-to-know tree care terms used for residential and commercial tree service.

Indianapolis Tree Care
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

Tree Care Terminology

Tree care is phrase used to describe the requirements and process for maintaining healthy, thriving trees. This includes routine inspections for pests, insects, and tree diseases, as well as, routine tree trimming, pruning, fertilizing, watering, and more. Already a bit confused? Don’t worry! These terms, along with a few others, will be covered below!

Crown or “Canopy” – This is the upper part of a tree. It is measured from the lowest branch to the longest, most outward branch, and again to the highest point of the tree. This includes all branches, leaves, and foliage.

Tree Trimming – Shortening the limbs and twigs of trees for the purpose of adding light and air flow, removing dead or disease branches, reducing obstructions, promoting new growth, and more.

Tree Pruning – Selectively removing branches or stems for the betterment of the whole tree. This is done for the same purposes as trimming.

Tree Thinning – This is a preferred method of tree pruning. Selectively removing interior growth and thinning out branch tips.

Tree Shaping – To selectively trim foliage and branches of trees to achieve an appealing or desired shape.

Tree Topping – To completely remove all top portions of a tree. It is considered by many to be an unnecessary and highly-detrimental practice.

Tree Pollard – This is a drastic means of tree pruning that involves the removal of all green growth and foliage, giving trees a “hat rack” appearance.

Shirt Raise – To prune only the lower branches and foliage of trees. This enables better access, reduces obstructions, and promotes more sunlight.

CODIT – Compartmentalization of Decay in Trees.

Dead-Wooding – Removing all dead, dying or diseased branches, twigs, limbs, and growth on a tree.

Root Prune – Severing sections of tree roots that pose hazardous or structural threats to its surroundings.

Stump Grinding – Shaving or cutting down a tree stump so that it is ground level.

Stump Removal – Extracting a whole tree stump from the ground.

Deep Root Fertilization – Inserting a probe (soil needle) 8 to 12 inches into the soil below the base of a tree, and then injecting a liquid fertilizer directly to the root system to provide additional nutrients for a tree.

Tree Spraying – To spray liquid insecticides and fungicides on trees to protect from pest infestations and tree diseases.

A Complete Tree Care – The Indianapolis tree care company to call for expert advice and tree service at an honest and fair price.

Indianapolis Tree Service
Indianapolis Tree Service 317-783-2518

Call A Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for professional tree removal services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding locations. Our tree care specialists have more than 30 years of experience, and retain the knowledge and skills needed to deliver quality tree service in a convenient time frame. We offer a wide range of residential and commercial tree services, from tree trimming and tree pruning, to lot clearing, stump removal, and much more. Call 317-783-2518 to request a free estimate for Indianapolis tree service, today.

Helpful Tree Care Tips For Spring and Summer

If you own a home, chances are you have trees on your property. And as a homeowner, protecting and preserving your investment is your top priority, and part of this initiative is proper tree care. Healthy trees can drastically increase property value since they provide such a wide range of benefits, including noise reduction, privacy, shade, improved energy efficiency, and much more. So keeping trees in good condition is in the best interest of your investment, as well as, your quality of life.

There are several things you can do on your own to care for your landscaping trees, but for some tree care needs, you’ll require the services of a qualified professional. Continue reading to learn some helpful tree care tips for this spring and upcoming summer.

Indianapolis Tree Service 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Service 317-783-2518

Take Good Care of Your Trees

Having basic knowledge of proper tree care helps you understand the level of care your trees need to remain healthy and alive for a long time. This is the first tip for tree care. If you do not have any trees, and you wish to plant new ones, be sure to do so during periods of dormancy, such as early spring or late fall. This gives roots a chance to establish themselves before warmer temperatures promote top-growth. And always be sure to water newly-planted tree immediately, and often!

Trees need watered frequently, and even more so during hot drought seasons. Be sure your trees are getting at least 20 to 25 gallons of water each week. But be careful not to over-water. Too much water can inhibit the adequacy of oxygen in soil and drown the roots. Mulching is another valuable step in protecting the health of your trees. Mulch acts as insulation for the soil, providing a buffer from extreme temperatures. It also retains water, which helps keep the soil moist.

Fertilization is another important aspect to tree care. Trees require certain essential nutrients in order to function and survive, and they primarily acquire these nutrients from the soil. If your ground soil has insufficient nutrient supplies, then tree fertilization is necessary. Proper tree fertilization can greatly increase the health of your trees, allowing them to sustain a healthy condition all year long.

It is important to have trees trimmed and pruned at certain times of the year. This provides safe, directional branch growth, prevents obstruction issues, and increases the curb appeal of your property. Tree limbs can grow fast and disrupt power lines, rooftops, gutters, and more. Regular tree trimming and tree pruning can prevent tree branch structural damage. Talk to your local tree care specialist about the health of your trees. They can provide professional assessments and inspections, and offer suggestions regarding your tree’s individual needs. Be sure to hire an experienced tree care company for professional tree services you can trust.

Complete Tree Care

Indianapolis Tree Service
Indianapolis Tree Service 317-783-2518

Call Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for professional tree service in Indianapolis and throughout Central Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified tree care specialists that have decades of experience in the tree service industry. We provide a wide range of residential and commercial tree services for both residential and commercial properties, including tree trimming, tree pruning, stump grinding, stump removal, lot clearing, and much more. When you need quality tree removal services at a fair price, you have come to the right place! Call Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 to hear more
about our Indianapolis tree services, prices,
and availability.

Complete Tree Care Has a Brand New Website!

Complete Tree Care is a family owned and operated tree service company based out of Indianapolis, Indiana. We have been serving Hoosier communities all throughout Central Indiana for more than 33 years, and remain dedicated to being the best customer-oriented tree service business around. Our highly trained and experienced tree care specialists provide a wide range of tree services for both residential and commercial properties.

And now you can view all our professional tree care services and more on our brand new website!

Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

Find What You’re Looking For FAST!

Complete Tree Care’s new website is not just informative, it is easy to navigate and find just what you’re looking for. Every link you need is listed right at the top of our home page! Instantly locate our contact information on our “Contact Us” page! And when you need tree service, simply hover over our “Tree Services” page to reveal a drop-down list of all the tree care work our company provides! Or you can simply click on the link. Then you can choose from one of the listed options, including tree removal, tree trimming and pruning, stump removal, tree care, tree diseases, and much more.

With the exclusive tree care pages available on their new website, you are sure to find the right information about the exact tree service you need in Indianapolis! Remember you can also call our office directly at 317-783-2518 and speak with a friendly office attendant about tree care and more, anytime!

View Our Credentials!

At Complete Tree Care, we are proud of our 30+ years of experience, steadfast reputation, and proficiency in the industry. This is why we list our most admirable credentials right on our Home Page! Review everything that makes us a good choice for tree service and tree removal in Central Indiana! Not only are we members of the BBB, we are also Angie’s List Approved and even received the Super Service Award in 2015!

Don’t Forget to Check Out Our Pictures!

Another fantastic feature on our brand new tree care website is our Pictures Page! You can look at several pictures of tree damages and tree work projects are team manages on a daily basis. You can see there is no job too big or too small for the highly trained and experienced team of tree service specialists at Complete Tree Care!

Indianapolis Tree Service You Can Trust

Call Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for professional tree service and tree removal in Indianapolis, and throughout Central Indiana. We offer tree removal, tree trimming, pruning, shaping, topping, crowning, and much more. Our teams are fully-equipped to provide stump grinding or stump removal services for any size tree trunk. We are happy to provide free tree care estimate and advice anytime. Call 317-783-2518 during regular office hours for information about tree services in Indianapolis, IN and its surrounding locations.

Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518