7 Reasons Why You Should Prune Your Trees This Summer

Summer is the perfect time to start pruning your trees. Tree pruning, or trimming, helps maintain a healthy and attractive landscape as well as promoting safety for yourself and others. There are many benefits of pruning your trees during this season, including improved air quality, increased curb appeal, protection from pests and disease, and more. Read on to learn 7 reasons why you should be pruning your trees this summer!

Call 317-783-2518 For Summer Tree Pruning in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-783-2518 For Summer Tree Pruning in Indianapolis Indiana

Top 7 Benefits of Pruning Trees in Summer

1. Improve Air Quality: Pruning can help to improve the air quality in your home and neighborhood by allowing more sunlight and air flow through the branches of trees. This will reduce pollutant levels around your house and promote better health for you and your family.

2. Increase Curb Appeal: When done correctly, pruning can drastically improve the look of your landscape. Trees that are trimmed properly will have a neat and uniform appearance that makes them aesthetically pleasing to the eye. This is sure to boost curb appeal when potential buyers come to view your property!

3. Keep Trees Healthy: Tree pruning removes dead or damaged branches, which helps keep pests away from healthy parts of the tree. It also encourages new growth, which helps keep the tree healthy.

4. Protect from Storm Damage: By removing dead or weak branches, you significantly reduce the chances of trees falling during storms or high winds. This is especially important in areas prone to hurricanes and other severe weather events!

5. Prevent Disease Spread: Pruning can help prevent disease from spreading by removing diseased branches and preventing them from spreading their spores throughout your landscape. Regular pruning also encourages strong root systems that are less likely to be affected by diseases in the future.

6. Encourage Growth: Pruning encourages new growth by allowing more sunlight and air flow through the tree’s canopy, thereby increasing its vigor, and promoting a healthy environment for it to thrive.

7. Save Money: Regular pruning can actually save you money in the long run! Removing dead or weak branches helps keep your trees healthy, thereby reducing the cost of tree care later on down the line.

Pruning your trees this summer offers many benefits that will help to promote a healthy and attractive landscape for years to come. Keep these 7 reasons in mind when you’re considering if you should prune your trees this year! With regular tree maintenance, you can have a beautiful and safe yard for all seasons.

Tree Trimming Versus Pruning

Are you thinking about sprucing up your yard with some tree trimming or pruning? While the two terms are often used interchangeably, there is a distinct difference between tree trimming and tree pruning. Tree trimming is more of an aesthetic choice, while tree pruning focuses on health and safety.

Tree trimming involves cutting away any dead branches or twigs to give the trees a neat and clean look. It also helps maintain the shape of trees that have grown out of their natural form. Generally speaking, it’s best to do this kind of work during late winter when most deciduous trees are dormant for maximum effect. You should also avoid removing too much foliage as this can leave the trees vulnerable to pests and diseases.

On the other hand, tree pruning focuses on improving a tree’s overall health by removing diseased or damaged limbs before they become a hazard to people or property around them. Pruning should be done throughout all seasons but especially during springtime when new growth begins so that you can encourage healthy branching patterns for optimal growing conditions down the line. Additionally, regular inspections will help spot potential problems early so that you can take preventive measures in time.

Looking for a professional tree service company to trim and prune your beautiful trees? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed tree trimming and pruning in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve both residential and commercial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

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5 Essential Steps to Protecting Your Trees from Droughts

We all know that droughts can have devastating consequences on our environment, and trees are especially vulnerable. Trees need a steady supply of water to survive, so when drought conditions hit, they may not be able to get the nutrients they need from the soil. That’s why it’s important to take steps to protect your trees during periods of drought.

In this blog post, we’ll go over five essential steps you can take to ensure your trees stay healthy even in dry weather conditions. From proper tree care techniques like mulching and watering correctly, to using protective sprays and choosing drought-tolerant species for your landscape design – these tips will help you maintain beautiful green foliage year round!

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Call 317-783-2518 For Indianapolis Tree Care Service

The Negative Affects of Drought on Trees

Drought is a natural phenomenon that can heavily impact the health of trees. These long periods of dry weather can cause damage to the delicate root system of the tree, causing stress and ultimately weakening their overall health. Without adequate moisture, trees struggle to take in nutrients from the soil and they may not grow as well as they typically would. To protect them in times of drought, it is important to provide proper tree care, such as regular watering and mulching. By ensuring that your trees are healthy and well-maintained, you can help them withstand the harsh conditions that come with drought. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to avoiding tree damage during periods of dry weather.

How to Protect Your Trees From Droughts

1. Mulching: One of the best ways to protect your trees from drought conditions is by mulching them. Mulching adds a layer of organic material around the base of the tree, which helps retain moisture and reduce evaporation from the soil. Make sure that you don’t pile the mulch too high; four to six inches should do it.

2. Watering: During periods of extreme drought, it’s important to give your trees extra water if needed. This can be done either through a drip irrigation system or manually with a hose or watering can. When doing this, make sure not to over-water – only give them enough so that they receive adequate moisture without becoming waterlogged.

3. Protective Sprays: If you live in an area with high levels of UV radiation, it may be a good idea to use protective sprays on your trees. These sprays will help reduce transpiration and protect the leaves from drying out in extreme temperatures.

4. Choose Drought-Tolerant Species: Another great way to protect your trees from drought is by choosing species that are adapted to dry climates. Planting drought-tolerant species like Oak trees and Maple trees can help ensure they’ll stay healthy even during periods of low rainfall or water restrictions.

5. Regular Tree Care: Finally, remember that regular tree care is essential for protecting your trees from droughts. Prune your trees regularly and ensure they get enough fertilizer, as this will help them to stay strong and healthy even in dry conditions.

Achieve Year-Round Tree Protection

By following these five essential steps, you can protect your trees from droughts and keep them looking their best year-round! If you need help with tree care or want to learn more about which species are best for drought-prone climates, contact a certified arborist today. They’ll be able to provide expert advice tailored to your specific climate and landscape design needs.

Do you want to get your trees ready for the summer climate? Now is the time to start! Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for comprehensive tree services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients with comprehensive tree care solutions.

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10 Summer Tree Care Tips for Homeowners

Summer is officially here and it’s a busy time for homeowners. With warmer weather, there are so many outdoor projects to tackle – from mowing the lawn and trimming hedges to planting flowers and taking care of trees. But when it comes to tree care, summer can be especially tricky. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 10 summer tree care tips for homeowners. These tips will help you keep your trees healthy during the hottest months of the year, so you can enjoy their beauty all season long! Keep reading to learn more about how you can take proper care of your trees this summer.

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Call 317-783-2518 For Tree Service in Indianapolis

How to Take Care of Trees in the Summer

1. Water Regularly: Make sure your trees are getting the proper amount of water in order to thrive. The best time to water is early morning, before the heat of the day sets in. Aim for deep, thorough irrigation so that water reaches down into soil roots and helps keep your trees healthy and hydrated during summer’s hottest days. Just be sure to not over water trees, as this can do more harm than good.

2. Prune Correctly: Summer pruning is important for keeping trees healthy and free from disease. But be careful not to over prune – too much tree trimming can leave them vulnerable to pests and diseases. When it comes to pruning, concentrate on removing dead or damaged branches that have been affected by weather or disease, rather than taking off a lot of foliage unnecessarily.

3. Fertilize: Fertilizing trees in the summer can help them stay healthy and strong. Look for a fertilizer specially made for trees, as it will contain all the necessary nutrients your tree needs to thrive. Make sure you follow instructions carefully and don’t over fertilize – too much fertilizer can burn roots and cause damage to your tree.

4. Monitor Pests: Summer is prime time for bugs like aphids, caterpillars, scales, borers, and beetles that can wreak havoc on trees if they’re not kept in check. Keep an eye out for any signs of infestation such as discolored leaves or wilting branches and use pesticide sprays and traps to keep these pests under control.

5. Check for Diseases: Diseases like powdery mildew, cankerworms, and anthracnose can quickly overtake trees if not treated in time. Inspect your trees often for any signs of disease and take action as soon as possible by spraying the affected area with a fungicide or contacting a tree service professional for assistance.

6. Mulch Correctly: Mulching around the base of your trees helps retain moisture and keeps roots cool during summer’s hottest days. But it’s important to mulch properly – too much or too little can be bad for your tree’s health. Aim for 3-4 inches of mulch spread out evenly around the base of the tree, avoiding piling it too thickly around the trunk.

7. Protect From Sunburn: Just like you, your trees can suffer from sunburn if overexposed to harsh sunlight. To prevent this, make sure to provide adequate shade – especially for young and vulnerable saplings. Planting shrubs and trees near them can help protect them from direct sunlight, or you can use a specialized protective paint on more mature specimens to shield them from ultraviolet rays.

8. Avoid Stressing Out Your Trees: Stress is bad for any living organism, including trees! That’s why it’s important to avoid unnecessary stress on your trees by not planting too deeply or compacting soil around their roots when working. To keep your trees healthy, always use the appropriate tools and techniques when cultivating around them.

9. Limit Pruning During Summer: Summer is not the ideal time to make drastic changes and heavy pruning to your trees. Some tree trimming may be necessary for safety reasons or for aesthetic purposes but try to limit it as much as possible since trees already have a lot of stress during the hot months of the year.

10. Call a Professional: If you’re ever in doubt about how best to care for your trees – or if you notice any signs of disease or pest infestation – it’s best to call in a professional tree service provider who can assess the situation and recommend treatments accordingly. With the help of a professional, your trees will stay healthy and happy all summer long!

Summer Tree Care Advice You Can Use All Season

These 10 tips should help you keep your trees looking their best during the hot summer months. Remember to water regularly, prune correctly, fertilize properly, monitor pests, check for diseases, mulch accordingly, protect from sunburn, avoid stressing out your trees, limit pruning during summer and call in a professional tree service company in Indianapolis if needed. Following these steps will help ensure your trees survive and thrive throughout the season – so you can enjoy their beauty year-round!

Are your landscaping trees in need of some TLC this summer? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed and insured tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients with comprehensive tree care solutions.

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10 Ways to Protect Your Trees from Bark Problems

Trees are an important part of our environment and provide us with plenty of benefits. However, trees can be vulnerable to bark problems which can cause damage and even kill the tree if left unchecked. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to protect your trees from trunk and bark problems. Continue below to learn 10 ways you can help ensure your trees stay healthy for years to come.

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Call 317-783-2518 For Indianapolis Tree Care You Can Trust

How to Avoid Tree Bark Problems: 10 Tips

1. Regularly Inspect Your Trees: Keep an eye on the bark of your trees to check for any signs of damage or decay. Make sure you do this throughout all seasons so can identify potential issues early and take action before they get worse.

2. Prune Properly: Trimming away dead, diseased, or damaged branches helps promote healthy tree growth and prevents bark problems from spreading to other parts of the tree. Make sure you prune in a way that follows the natural shape of the tree’s canopy by using the right tools and techniques.

3. Provide Adequate Water & Nutrients: Trees need plenty of water and nutrients to stay healthy, so make sure you give your trees the right amount of water and fertilizer to keep them healthy. However, be sure not to over-water or over-fertilize as this can lead to tree bark problems.

4. Monitor Pests: Make sure you’re regularly checking your trees for any signs of pests, such as aphids, mites, beetles, and more. If you do spot any pests, take steps to get rid of them quickly before they cause further damage to the tree’s bark.

5. Protect Trees from Injury: Trees are vulnerable to damage from things like lawnmowers, vehicles driving too close by, or construction work in the area. Whenever possible try and keep these sorts of activities away from your trees to reduce the risk of injury.

6. Choose Trees that are Suited to Your Climate: Different tree species can be better suited to different climates and environments, so make sure you choose trees that are right for your climate zone and soil type to reduce the chance of bark problems occurring.

7. Plant Away from Foundations & Structures: Planting too close to a home or other structure can cause tree bark problems due to the competition for resources or damage from activities like digging around foundations. Whenever possible, try and give trees enough space from structures when planting them in your yard.

8. Use Mulch Properly: Spread mulch around the base of your trees but avoid putting too much down, as this can cause the bark to rot. Always leave a few inches between the trunk of the tree and the mulch and avoid piling up too much against the base of the tree.

9. Consider Protective Wraps: If you’re worried about sun or extreme weather damage, consider using protective wraps which can help protect the bark from direct exposure to sunlight, wind, rain, and snow. These are available in different materials, like burlap or fabric.

10. Seek Professional Help: Sometimes trees may need professional help if they’ve been damaged or infected with a disease. Make sure you get advice from an expert arborist who can provide guidance on how best to care for your trees as well as recommend any necessary treatments to help protect them from bark problems.

Maintain Healthy Trees With Routine Tree Service

By following these tips, you can help ensure your trees stay healthy and protected from bark problems. It’s also a good idea to get regular check-ups with an arborist if you need additional advice or assistance with tree care. Taking care of the trees in your yard will help keep them safe, strong, and beautiful for years to come.

Are your landscaping trees peeling or rotting? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 to get advice from a certified arborist in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients with comprehensive tree care solutions.

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How to Identify Tree Hazards Before They Become a Problem

Nobody wants to face the danger of a dangerous tree. Yet, trees can become hazardous if they are not properly maintained and monitored. If you’re a homeowner or property manager, it’s important to stay vigilant for potential hazards so that steps can be taken before an incident occurs.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how you can identify any tree hazards that may exist on your property before they become a problem – and what to do about them if necessary. We’ll also provide some tips for choosing the right tree service provider when it comes time to take action. Continue below to learn more!

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Call 317-783-2518 For Tree Removal in Indianapolis

Maintain Safe and Hazard-Free Property With Tree Care

As a responsible homeowner or property manager, staying vigilant about the safety of trees on your property is crucial. Neglecting necessary maintenance and monitoring can transform once harmless trees into looming hazards. By proactively assessing trees for potential weaknesses or disease and taking corrective action right away, you can help ensure the natural beauty of trees does not come at the cost of risking damage or injury. Though beautiful and beneficial, trees require mindful care to avoid morphing into dangerous threats. Staying informed and taking swift precautions are vital to sidestepping preventable arboreal peril.

Common Signs of a Hazardous Tree

Some common signs that a tree may pose a hazard include:

▶ Large, visible cracks or splits in the trunk or major branches

▶ Fungus or insect infestation that is damaging the tree

▶ Leaning or off-balance tree that looks unstable

▶ Low-hanging or dead branches that could fall

▶ Roots that are lifting sidewalks or damaging foundations

If you spot any of these potential hazards, it’s best to have a professional tree care contractor inspect the tree. They can thoroughly check the tree for any issues and determine if removal or trimming is necessary. An experienced tree service professional will have the proper equipment and training to safely address any hazards. When choosing a tree service, look for certifications, licensing, insurance, and a good reputation. Cost estimates should be provided in writing.

Should a Dead Tree Be Removed?

Dead trees should be removed before they become a safety hazard or fall on their own. Dead tree removal is a task best left to the professionals. A tree service contractor will assess the tree to determine the safest way to remove it, whether through dismantling it piece by piece or felling it in one whole piece. Their experienced crew uses proper safety equipment and techniques to remove the tree and grind the stump and roots. They can also assess nearby trees for disease or damage and provide treatment or removal if needed. While it’s an expense, removing dead trees is important to protect your home and property.

Routine Tree Service is Vital for Healthy Trees

By staying on the alert about potential tree hazards on your property, you can help ensure the safety of your home and surrounding area. Regular inspections, especially after major storms, are a good idea to catch any issues early. If you do spot signs of trouble, don’t hesitate to contact a professional Indianapolis tree service company to assess the situation. With proper maintenance and monitoring, you can keep your trees healthy and avoid dangerous problems down the road.

Looking for a professional tree service company to take good care of your landscaping trees? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed tree removal and tree care service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve both residential and commercial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

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What is the Soil Food Web and How Does it Benefit Trees?

Have you ever heard of the soil food web? If not, it’s something that could benefit your trees in a big way. The soil food web is a complex network of organisms that interact with one another to create a healthy and balanced Ecosystem within the soil. This system helps trees get the nutrients they need to thrive and can even help protect them from diseases or pests.

In this blog post, we will discuss what the soil food web is, how it works, and why it’s important for tree care. We will also provide some tips on how to maintain and encourage healthy levels of beneficial organisms in your soil so you can keep your trees as healthy as possible!

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Call 317-783-2518 For Tree Care Contractors in Indianapolis Indiana

Soil Food Web Facts

The soil food web is made up of organisms such as bacteria, fungi, earthworms, and nematodes. These organisms help cycle nutrients from the soil to the trees’ roots. This cycling process helps ensure that the tree is getting all the essential nutrients it needs for growth, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other trace minerals.

As these tiny organisms decompose organic matter in the soil, they also produce substances that can help protect trees from pests and diseases by attacking them before they have a chance to do any damage. Additionally, these same beneficial microorganisms play a crucial role in improving soil structure by creating air pockets in the dirt and binding together particles of sand or clay so water can move freely throughout it.

Another type of organism in the soil food web is mycorrhizal fungi, which form a symbiotic relationship with plant roots. This type of fungus helps increase the surface area for water and nutrient absorption and may even be able to transfer nutrients from one tree to another!

Maintain Healthy Trees With Optimal Soil Biology

Overall, the soil food web plays an incredibly important role in maintaining healthy trees. Without it, trees would not be able to get all the necessary nutrients they need for growth or have any protection against pests and diseases. Therefore, it’s important that we do our part as tree owners/caretakers by encouraging healthy levels of beneficial organisms in our soils. This can be done through practices such as using compost or mulch around trees, avoiding over-fertilizing, and minimizing soil compaction. By following these simple steps, we can ensure that our trees are getting the best possible care.

Soil Testing

Testing your soil can be an important and necessary step to ensure that your landscape is healthy for trees. It helps diagnose potential problems with the fertilizer or nutrient content of the soil, ensuring a healthy environment for all plants on your property. Having an understanding of what kind of nutrients, you have in the soil is key to providing the trees the best environment possible. It will improve their growth potential, provide greener leaves, and make the sizes larger among other benefits. Regularly testing your soil at least once a year will help guarantee optimal health for your tree investment.


In conclusion, the soil food web is an incredibly complex network of organisms that interact with one another to provide essential nutrients and protection for trees. It’s important to understand how this system works so you can take proper care of your trees and make sure they get all the benefits it provides. With a little bit of effort on our part, we can ensure that our trees stay healthy for many years to come!

Ready to get your trees in shape for summer? Start now! Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 to get advice from a certified arborist in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients with comprehensive tree care solutions.

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Can I Protect My Trees From Lightning Strikes?

Lightning strikes can be devastating to trees, causing irreparable damage and even death. But there are steps you can take to protect your trees from a lightning strike. With some simple tree care practices and proper tree service, you can help ensure that your trees stay safe no matter what the weather brings.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to effectively protect your trees from lightning strikes, so read on for more information!

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Call 317-783-2518 For Professional Tree Removal Service in Indianapolis IN

How to Protect Trees Against Lightning Strikes

Routine Tree Care

The first step to protecting your trees from lightning strikes is proper tree maintenance. Make sure that you are regularly pruning, fertilizing, mulching, and watering your trees, as this will help them stay healthy and strong enough to withstand a lightning strike. In addition, make sure that the tree is free from dead or dying limbs and branches. These can easily be ignited by lightning and cause severe damage to the rest of the tree. If cuts on the tree need to be made for any reason, it’s best to contact a professional Indianapolis tree service so they can do it properly without risking any further damage.

Lightning Rods

It’s also important to note that lightning rods can be installed around trees in order to protect them from lightning strikes. These rods are placed near the tree and provide an alternate path for the electricity to travel, redirecting it away from the tree and preventing damage. If you live in an area prone to lightning storms, this may be a great option for protecting your trees.

Weather Forecasting

Finally, make sure that you stay up-to-date on weather forecasts during stormy seasons. If there is a forecast of severe thunderstorms or high winds, take extra precautions to protect your trees by pruning back dead or dying limbs and branches and removing any objects close to the trees which could conduct electricity. Also, if possible, try to keep all people and pets away from the trees during a thunderstorm just in case a lightning strike does occur. 


By following these tips and taking the right precautions, you can help protect your trees from lightning strikes. Proper tree care and maintenance is key, as well as having a professional tree service on hand to help with any necessary tasks. If you need more information or advice about how to keep your trees safe from lightning strikes, contact an experienced tree service contractor at Complete Tree Care, today. They’ll be able to answer any questions and provide valuable insight into the best ways to protect your trees.

Remember: Lightning safety isn’t something to take lightly; it’s important to stay aware of weather forecasts and take extra measures when storms are forecasted. With the right precautions in place, you can ensure that your trees remain safe during even the worst of weather.

Tree Removal for Dead or Damaged Trees

When it comes to dead or storm damaged trees, removal is often the best course of action. Not only can dead or damaged trees be unsightly, but they can also pose a danger to your property and those around it. Dead trees are particularly problematic as they are more susceptible to falling during a storm or high winds.

Additionally, they are often home to pests and diseases that can spread to other trees in the area. It’s important to consult with a professional tree service company in Indianapolis to discuss your tree removal options. These actions will ensure the job is done safely and efficiently. So, if you have a tree that’s seen better days, don’t hesitate to take action and have it removed before it causes any more problems.

Complete Tree Care is a top tree service provider serving the Indianapolis region. Contact us today at 317-783-2518 to request more information about our winter tree services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We provide residential and commercial tree services, as well as storm damage tree service.

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What You Need to Know About Tree Disease Treatment

If you’re a homeowner, chances are you have trees in your yard. It is important to recognize the signs of tree diseases and understand how to prevent them. Tree disease treatments can be expensive, so it’s best to know what steps to take for proper tree care ahead of time. An experienced arborist should be consulted if you think any of your trees may be suffering from a serious ailment or infection.

In this blog post, we will discuss some common tree diseases and how they can be treated by an arborist. We will also look at ways that homeowners can practice good tree care in order to reduce the risk of their trees becoming diseased in the first place. By following these tips and working with an experienced professional, you’ll ensure that your outdoor oasis stays beautiful and healthy for years to come!

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Call 317-783-2518 For Arborist Services in Indianapolis Indiana

Common Tree Diseases and Their Causes

Tree diseases can be caused by a variety of factors, including fungal or bacterial infections, insect infestations, and environmental stressors. Common tree diseases include Anthracnose, Dutch Elm Disease, Powdery Mildew, and Fire Blight. Each of these requires different treatment strategies to address the underlying cause of the problem. An arborist will inspect your trees for signs of disease and then develop a tailored plan for treating them. This could involve chemical treatments such as fungicides or herbicides, physical pruning techniques, or other methods that are intended to protect your trees from further damage.

ANTHRACNOSE – Anthracnose is an incredibly widespread disease. It often strikes out of nowhere, quickly spreading its devastating presence to vulnerable trees of all sizes and varieties. From gigantic pines standing tall among the canopy of a pristine forest, to small bushes nestled underneath cozy porches, this tree disease shows no signs of mercy as it chips away at each living limb. As summer creeps up with its hot days and long sunlit hours, heightened damage from seasonal anthracnose can appear seemingly overnight and create lasting complications for entire woody landscapes.

DUTCH ELM DISEASE – Dutch Elm Disease is an ominous threat to many trees. It has left marks of destruction on elm woodlands across North America, Europe, and Asia for more than a century. The vascular conditions caused by Dutch Elm Disease can weaken or even kill off infected trees in just one season. This means that the disease spreads rapidly amongst trees and can lead to significant losses for forest environments. Direct contact between healthy and diseased plants spread its spores quickly, making it incredibly difficult to contain without drastic measures such as complete tree removal. On top of this, Dutch Elm Disease also threatens city streets since a variety of elm species are popular decorative trees planted in urban areas around the world. In short, Dutch Elm Disease truly is a common and devastating tree disease.

POWDERY MILDEW – Powdery Mildew is a fungus that attacks different parts of trees. It appears as a white to gray powdery substance, which can cause leaf spots or even mortality in certain tree species such as Elm, Maple, Oak, and Ash trees. Symptoms may appear slowly on the underside of leaves and gradually become more prominent as time passes. In some cases, these spots grow together, causing large necrotic patches that can cause extensive damage to branches. This infection can have serious consequences for the health of your trees and spread easily throughout orchards, greenhouses and nurseries containing susceptible species. Early preventive treatment is essential if you want to keep your trees safe from Powdery Mildew.

FIRE BLIGHT – Fire Blight is a bacterial infection seen routinely in trees, especially those in the Rosaceae family. This group includes such perennials as Pear, Crabapple, and Cotoneaster species. While this disease can be disheartening to observe, it can occur with even younger trees that haven’t had time to fully mature. Certain environmental conditions prove favorable for Fire Blight to thrive, and usually begins at blooming season. Weather temperatures in the upper 80s during days of humidity over 75%, when combined with rainy spells intensifies the rate of infection while allowing bacteria spread.

Routine Tree Care

In addition to professional tree care services in Indianapolis, it’s important that homeowners practice proper tree care throughout the year in order to reduce the risk of disease. This includes regular pruning, mulching, and fertilizing to ensure that your trees stay healthy and strong. It’s also important to avoid over-watering or under-watering your trees, as both can lead to nutrient deficiency and other problems. Lastly, be sure to inspect your trees for signs of disease on a regular basis so you can take swift action if any issues arise.

Now You Can Maintain Healthy Trees Year-Round

By following these tips and working with an experienced professional arborist in Indianapolis, you’ll help ensure that your outdoor oasis stays beautiful and healthy for years to come! If you think one of your trees may be suffering from a serious ailment or infection, it is best to consult an arborist right away; they can develop a tailored plan for effective tree disease treatment. With the right care and attention, you’ll be able to keep your trees healthy and beautiful for years to come!

Are your landscaping trees in need of some TLC this spring? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 to get advice from a certified arborist in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients with comprehensive tree care solutions.

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Common Diseases Affecting Trees in Indiana and How to Treat Them
Is My Tree Dead or Diseased?
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How to Choose the Right Tree Trimming Service Near You

Tree trimming can be a tricky job, and it is important to make sure that you are using the right professional tree service to get the job done safely and correctly. Choosing a reliable tree care company isn’t always easy, but with these tips you can find the perfect fit for your needs. 

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Call 317-783-2518 For Professional Tree Trimming Service in Indianapolis Indiana

Tips For Finding Trusted Tree Trimming Services

With knowledge of what to look for in a quality tree trimming service, you will have peace of mind knowing that your trees are in good hands. Knowing how to choose the right professional tree trimming services will ensure that your trees remain healthy and safe from potential damage caused by improper pruning techniques or equipment malfunctions.

Here’s what to look for in a tree trimming business:

► Experience and Knowledge

When selecting a tree care company, it is important to look for one with experience and expertise in the field of tree trimming. A reputable tree service will have certified arborists on staff who understand proper pruning techniques and can provide expert advice on how to properly maintain your trees. They should also be familiar with local regulations regarding tree removal, so they can help ensure that you are following all necessary safety protocols.

► Equipment and Resources

In addition to finding an experienced tree service, you should also ask questions about their equipment and make sure that they use quality tools when trimming your trees. Good equipment ensures that the job is done right the first time and reduces the chances of potential damage. It is also important to inquire about any training or certifications that the tree service company may have.

► Online Reviews

Finally, be sure to check customer reviews and obtain references before hiring a tree trimming service. This will give you an idea of their reputation in the community and whether or not they can be trusted to do a good job. By taking the time to research potential tree care companies, you can ensure that your trees are well-cared for and get the professional trimming services they need.  With careful consideration and research, you can easily find the right tree care company for your needs. 

Let the Pros Give Your Trees a Trim

By following these simple steps, you can easily ensure that you are choosing the right professional tree trimming service for your needs. A reliable tree care company will provide quality work, up-to-date safety protocols, and trained arborists to help manage your trees. With a trusted tree trimming service in place, you can be sure that your trees remain healthy and safe while they are being maintained. 

Additional Tree Care Needs:

🍃 Tree Pruning

Tree pruning is another tree service that should be performed on a regular basis. Tree pruning involves the removal of branches that are growing in an undesirable direction. This helps to improve the shape of your trees and also helps to prevent damage to your property.

🍃 Tree Removal

If you have a tree that is dead, diseased, or damaged beyond repair, you may need to have it removed. Tree removal is a tree service that should be performed by a professional in order to avoid damage to your property.

🍃 Stump Grinding

Once a tree has been removed, you will be left with a stump. Stump grinding is a tree service that involves the use of special equipment to grind the stump down into small pieces. This helps to improve the appearance of your property and also helps to prevent trip hazards.

🍃 Tree Disease Treatment

It might be necessary to look into treatments for tree disease. Paying attention to any possible symptoms of illness can go a long way in keeping your trees healthy. Keeping an eye out for leaf yellowing, early discoloring on the bark, thinning or sparse foliage, or signs of cracking can help confirm that your tree is unwell.

Looking for a professional tree care company to trim and prune your landscaping trees? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed tree trimming and pruning in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve both residential and commercial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

Related Posts:

The Advantages of Tree Pruning and How To Do It Right
Spring to Winter Seasonal Pruning Tips for Trees
Why You Should Remove Tree Branches That Overhang the Roof

Tree Mulch Maintenance Tips For Fall

As the weather cools down and the leaves begin to change color, it’s time to start thinking about fall tree care. One important task is mulch maintenance. Mulch helps protect tree roots from extreme temperatures, keeps moisture in the soil, and provides nutrients for the tree.

Continue below to learn what you need to know about mulching maintenance in the fall and winter season, plus who to trust for licensed tree services in your area.

For Tree Care in Indianapolis, Call  317-783-2518 Today!
For Tree Care in Indianapolis, Call 317-783-2518 Today!

How to Mulch Trees in the Fall

Below are some top tips for maintaining your tree’s mulch in the fall season. By following these tips, you can help your tree stay healthy and strong through the fall and winter.

Every year, tree roots grow and expand. As they do, the mulch around the tree can start to break down and become compacted. This can reduce the amount of air and water that can reach tree roots. To prevent this, add a layer of fresh mulch around your tree in the fall.

If you live in an area with heavy rainfall, you may need to replace your tree’s mulch more often. Heavy rains can wash away nutrients and compact the soil.

Fall is a good time to check the depth of your tree’s mulch. Mulch beds should be no more than 3 inches deep. Any deeper and it can start to suffocate tree roots.

Best Types of Mulch for Trees

Mulch is an important part of tree care. It helps protect trees from extreme temperatures, keeps roots moist, and prevents weeds from growing. There are many different types of mulch, so it’s important to choose the right one for your tree. Here are some of the best types of mulch for trees:

Wood Chips: Wood chips are a great type of mulch for trees. They help insulate the roots from extreme temperatures, retain moisture, and prevent weed growth.

Bark: Bark is another great type of mulch for trees. It helps protect the roots from extreme temperatures and prevents weed growth.

Compost: Compost is a great type of mulch for trees. It helps retain moisture and provides nutrients for the tree.

Straw: Straw is a great type of mulch for trees. It helps insulate the roots from extreme temperatures and retains moisture.

Grass Clippings: Grass clippings are a great type of mulch for trees. They help retain moisture and prevent weed growth.

Are you looking for reputable tree care in the Indy areas? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed and insured tree services in Indianapolis, Indiana, and its surrounding counties. We offer tree removal, tree stump solutions, tree trimming, pruning, and more for both residential and commercial customers.

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Bad Tree Mulching Practices to Avoid This Fall
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