7 Reasons Why You Should Prune Your Trees This Summer

Summer is the perfect time to start pruning your trees. Tree pruning, or trimming, helps maintain a healthy and attractive landscape as well as promoting safety for yourself and others. There are many benefits of pruning your trees during this season, including improved air quality, increased curb appeal, protection from pests and disease, and more. Read on to learn 7 reasons why you should be pruning your trees this summer!

Call 317-783-2518 For Summer Tree Pruning in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-783-2518 For Summer Tree Pruning in Indianapolis Indiana

Top 7 Benefits of Pruning Trees in Summer

1. Improve Air Quality: Pruning can help to improve the air quality in your home and neighborhood by allowing more sunlight and air flow through the branches of trees. This will reduce pollutant levels around your house and promote better health for you and your family.

2. Increase Curb Appeal: When done correctly, pruning can drastically improve the look of your landscape. Trees that are trimmed properly will have a neat and uniform appearance that makes them aesthetically pleasing to the eye. This is sure to boost curb appeal when potential buyers come to view your property!

3. Keep Trees Healthy: Tree pruning removes dead or damaged branches, which helps keep pests away from healthy parts of the tree. It also encourages new growth, which helps keep the tree healthy.

4. Protect from Storm Damage: By removing dead or weak branches, you significantly reduce the chances of trees falling during storms or high winds. This is especially important in areas prone to hurricanes and other severe weather events!

5. Prevent Disease Spread: Pruning can help prevent disease from spreading by removing diseased branches and preventing them from spreading their spores throughout your landscape. Regular pruning also encourages strong root systems that are less likely to be affected by diseases in the future.

6. Encourage Growth: Pruning encourages new growth by allowing more sunlight and air flow through the tree’s canopy, thereby increasing its vigor, and promoting a healthy environment for it to thrive.

7. Save Money: Regular pruning can actually save you money in the long run! Removing dead or weak branches helps keep your trees healthy, thereby reducing the cost of tree care later on down the line.

Pruning your trees this summer offers many benefits that will help to promote a healthy and attractive landscape for years to come. Keep these 7 reasons in mind when you’re considering if you should prune your trees this year! With regular tree maintenance, you can have a beautiful and safe yard for all seasons.

Tree Trimming Versus Pruning

Are you thinking about sprucing up your yard with some tree trimming or pruning? While the two terms are often used interchangeably, there is a distinct difference between tree trimming and tree pruning. Tree trimming is more of an aesthetic choice, while tree pruning focuses on health and safety.

Tree trimming involves cutting away any dead branches or twigs to give the trees a neat and clean look. It also helps maintain the shape of trees that have grown out of their natural form. Generally speaking, it’s best to do this kind of work during late winter when most deciduous trees are dormant for maximum effect. You should also avoid removing too much foliage as this can leave the trees vulnerable to pests and diseases.

On the other hand, tree pruning focuses on improving a tree’s overall health by removing diseased or damaged limbs before they become a hazard to people or property around them. Pruning should be done throughout all seasons but especially during springtime when new growth begins so that you can encourage healthy branching patterns for optimal growing conditions down the line. Additionally, regular inspections will help spot potential problems early so that you can take preventive measures in time.

Looking for a professional tree service company to trim and prune your beautiful trees? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed tree trimming and pruning in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve both residential and commercial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

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The Advantages of Tree Pruning and How To Do It Right
Why You Should Remove Tree Branches That Overhang the Roof
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10 Summer Tree Care Tips for Homeowners

Summer is officially here and it’s a busy time for homeowners. With warmer weather, there are so many outdoor projects to tackle – from mowing the lawn and trimming hedges to planting flowers and taking care of trees. But when it comes to tree care, summer can be especially tricky. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 10 summer tree care tips for homeowners. These tips will help you keep your trees healthy during the hottest months of the year, so you can enjoy their beauty all season long! Keep reading to learn more about how you can take proper care of your trees this summer.

Call 317-783-2518 For Tree Service in  Indianapolis
Call 317-783-2518 For Tree Service in Indianapolis

How to Take Care of Trees in the Summer

1. Water Regularly: Make sure your trees are getting the proper amount of water in order to thrive. The best time to water is early morning, before the heat of the day sets in. Aim for deep, thorough irrigation so that water reaches down into soil roots and helps keep your trees healthy and hydrated during summer’s hottest days. Just be sure to not over water trees, as this can do more harm than good.

2. Prune Correctly: Summer pruning is important for keeping trees healthy and free from disease. But be careful not to over prune – too much tree trimming can leave them vulnerable to pests and diseases. When it comes to pruning, concentrate on removing dead or damaged branches that have been affected by weather or disease, rather than taking off a lot of foliage unnecessarily.

3. Fertilize: Fertilizing trees in the summer can help them stay healthy and strong. Look for a fertilizer specially made for trees, as it will contain all the necessary nutrients your tree needs to thrive. Make sure you follow instructions carefully and don’t over fertilize – too much fertilizer can burn roots and cause damage to your tree.

4. Monitor Pests: Summer is prime time for bugs like aphids, caterpillars, scales, borers, and beetles that can wreak havoc on trees if they’re not kept in check. Keep an eye out for any signs of infestation such as discolored leaves or wilting branches and use pesticide sprays and traps to keep these pests under control.

5. Check for Diseases: Diseases like powdery mildew, cankerworms, and anthracnose can quickly overtake trees if not treated in time. Inspect your trees often for any signs of disease and take action as soon as possible by spraying the affected area with a fungicide or contacting a tree service professional for assistance.

6. Mulch Correctly: Mulching around the base of your trees helps retain moisture and keeps roots cool during summer’s hottest days. But it’s important to mulch properly – too much or too little can be bad for your tree’s health. Aim for 3-4 inches of mulch spread out evenly around the base of the tree, avoiding piling it too thickly around the trunk.

7. Protect From Sunburn: Just like you, your trees can suffer from sunburn if overexposed to harsh sunlight. To prevent this, make sure to provide adequate shade – especially for young and vulnerable saplings. Planting shrubs and trees near them can help protect them from direct sunlight, or you can use a specialized protective paint on more mature specimens to shield them from ultraviolet rays.

8. Avoid Stressing Out Your Trees: Stress is bad for any living organism, including trees! That’s why it’s important to avoid unnecessary stress on your trees by not planting too deeply or compacting soil around their roots when working. To keep your trees healthy, always use the appropriate tools and techniques when cultivating around them.

9. Limit Pruning During Summer: Summer is not the ideal time to make drastic changes and heavy pruning to your trees. Some tree trimming may be necessary for safety reasons or for aesthetic purposes but try to limit it as much as possible since trees already have a lot of stress during the hot months of the year.

10. Call a Professional: If you’re ever in doubt about how best to care for your trees – or if you notice any signs of disease or pest infestation – it’s best to call in a professional tree service provider who can assess the situation and recommend treatments accordingly. With the help of a professional, your trees will stay healthy and happy all summer long!

Summer Tree Care Advice You Can Use All Season

These 10 tips should help you keep your trees looking their best during the hot summer months. Remember to water regularly, prune correctly, fertilize properly, monitor pests, check for diseases, mulch accordingly, protect from sunburn, avoid stressing out your trees, limit pruning during summer and call in a professional tree service company in Indianapolis if needed. Following these steps will help ensure your trees survive and thrive throughout the season – so you can enjoy their beauty year-round!

Are your landscaping trees in need of some TLC this summer? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed and insured tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients with comprehensive tree care solutions.

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Can I Trim Dead Branches Off a Tree in Summer?
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The Benefits of Professional Tree Trimming Services

Keeping your trees healthy and looking like their best requires regular pruning, trimming, and general tree care. While it may be tempting to try to tackle this task yourself, it is always recommended that you enlist the help of a professional tree trimming service. Professional tree trimmers have the necessary training and experience to handle all types of trimming safely and efficiently. Continue below to learn just a few of the benefits that come with using professional tree trimming services.

Call 317-783-2518 For Tree Trimming in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-783-2518 For Tree Trimming in Indianapolis Indiana

The Importance of Trimming for Trees

Tree trimming is an essential part of tree care. Not only does it enhance the beauty of trees, but it can also promote their growth and health. By removing dead, diseased, or broken branches, you prevent these issues from spreading further throughout the tree. This can lead to increased air circulation and sunlight exposure to the tree, ultimately improving its overall health.

Tree trimming can also shape the tree, allowing it to grow in a manner that is aesthetically pleasing while maintaining its natural form. It’s crucial to know when to trim your trees, as timing can impact the tree’s growth and health as well. Consulting with a professional tree service company can ensure your trees receive the proper care they require, leading to beautiful, healthy trees for years to come.

The Risk of Trimming Your Own Trees

Tree trimming is an essential part of maintaining the beauty of your landscape. However, it can be a risky task, especially if you attempt to do it yourself without the proper skills and equipment. Climbing up a ladder and cutting branches at a tall height can lead to accidents and injuries. It is important to understand the risks involved in tree trimming and to have the knowledge and tools required for the job. Hiring a professional tree service to do the job is always the safest option. They have the expertise and experience to assess the tree’s health, determine the proper cuts, and safely remove branches without causing harm to nearby structures or people. Protect yourself and your property by always choosing a professional tree service for your tree trimming needs.

Why Choose a Professional Company for Tree Trimming

1. Improved Safety: Professional tree trimmers have the necessary training and experience to handle all types of trimming in a safe and efficient manner. They understand how to safely climb trees, prune branches, and remove unwanted limbs or other debris. This makes it possible for them to complete the job without putting yourself or others at risk.

2. Better Quality Results: Professional tree trimmers are knowledgeable about proper pruning techniques, which helps to ensure that your trees look their best. When done correctly, regular tree trimming can help prevent disease and insect infestation by removing dead or diseased branches before they spread any further damage throughout the tree. Furthermore, professional trimmers can shape your trees into whatever design you desire, such as a hedge or formal topiary shape.

3. Increased Aesthetic Value: Regular tree trims and similar tree maintenance can help improve the look of your yard by giving it a more polished and organized appearance. Professional trimmers have the tools and experience to give your trees the perfect shape, so they look their absolute best at all times.

4. Cost-Effectiveness: Even though hiring a professional tree service company may seem like an unnecessary expense, it can actually save you money in the long run. This is because professional tree trimmers are able to spot potential hazards or diseases in trees before they become too serious, allowing them to address any issues quickly and efficiently.

In Summary

Overall, there are many benefits that come with enlisting the help of a professional tree trimming service. From increased safety to cost savings, hiring a professional can help ensure that your trees are healthy and looking their best for years to come.

Looking for a professional tree service company to trim and prune your beautiful trees? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed tree trimming and pruning in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve both residential and commercial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

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How to Identify Tree Hazards Before They Become a Problem
The Advantages of Tree Pruning and How To Do It Right
Why You Should Remove Tree Branches That Overhang the Roof

How to Choose the Right Tree Trimming Service Near You

Tree trimming can be a tricky job, and it is important to make sure that you are using the right professional tree service to get the job done safely and correctly. Choosing a reliable tree care company isn’t always easy, but with these tips you can find the perfect fit for your needs. 

Call 317-783-2518 For Professional Tree Trimming Service in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-783-2518 For Professional Tree Trimming Service in Indianapolis Indiana

Tips For Finding Trusted Tree Trimming Services

With knowledge of what to look for in a quality tree trimming service, you will have peace of mind knowing that your trees are in good hands. Knowing how to choose the right professional tree trimming services will ensure that your trees remain healthy and safe from potential damage caused by improper pruning techniques or equipment malfunctions.

Here’s what to look for in a tree trimming business:

► Experience and Knowledge

When selecting a tree care company, it is important to look for one with experience and expertise in the field of tree trimming. A reputable tree service will have certified arborists on staff who understand proper pruning techniques and can provide expert advice on how to properly maintain your trees. They should also be familiar with local regulations regarding tree removal, so they can help ensure that you are following all necessary safety protocols.

► Equipment and Resources

In addition to finding an experienced tree service, you should also ask questions about their equipment and make sure that they use quality tools when trimming your trees. Good equipment ensures that the job is done right the first time and reduces the chances of potential damage. It is also important to inquire about any training or certifications that the tree service company may have.

► Online Reviews

Finally, be sure to check customer reviews and obtain references before hiring a tree trimming service. This will give you an idea of their reputation in the community and whether or not they can be trusted to do a good job. By taking the time to research potential tree care companies, you can ensure that your trees are well-cared for and get the professional trimming services they need.  With careful consideration and research, you can easily find the right tree care company for your needs. 

Let the Pros Give Your Trees a Trim

By following these simple steps, you can easily ensure that you are choosing the right professional tree trimming service for your needs. A reliable tree care company will provide quality work, up-to-date safety protocols, and trained arborists to help manage your trees. With a trusted tree trimming service in place, you can be sure that your trees remain healthy and safe while they are being maintained. 

Additional Tree Care Needs:

🍃 Tree Pruning

Tree pruning is another tree service that should be performed on a regular basis. Tree pruning involves the removal of branches that are growing in an undesirable direction. This helps to improve the shape of your trees and also helps to prevent damage to your property.

🍃 Tree Removal

If you have a tree that is dead, diseased, or damaged beyond repair, you may need to have it removed. Tree removal is a tree service that should be performed by a professional in order to avoid damage to your property.

🍃 Stump Grinding

Once a tree has been removed, you will be left with a stump. Stump grinding is a tree service that involves the use of special equipment to grind the stump down into small pieces. This helps to improve the appearance of your property and also helps to prevent trip hazards.

🍃 Tree Disease Treatment

It might be necessary to look into treatments for tree disease. Paying attention to any possible symptoms of illness can go a long way in keeping your trees healthy. Keeping an eye out for leaf yellowing, early discoloring on the bark, thinning or sparse foliage, or signs of cracking can help confirm that your tree is unwell.

Looking for a professional tree care company to trim and prune your landscaping trees? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed tree trimming and pruning in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve both residential and commercial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

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The Advantages of Tree Pruning and How To Do It Right
Spring to Winter Seasonal Pruning Tips for Trees
Why You Should Remove Tree Branches That Overhang the Roof

The Advantages of Tree Pruning and How To Do It Right

Tree pruning is an important part of tree maintenance and care. Pruning your trees can help maintain their health, improve the appearance of your landscape, and ensure that they are less likely to pose a hazard to people or property. But knowing when, how, and why to prune your trees can be tricky – so it’s important to do it right! In this blog post we will discuss the benefits of tree pruning and provide tips on how you should go about doing it.

Call 317-783-2518 For Professional Tree Pruning Service in Indianapolis IN.
Call 317-783-2518 For Professional Tree Pruning Service in Indianapolis IN.

Properly Pruning Trees is the Key to Good Tree Health

Tree pruning can help improve a tree’s health and appearance. It can also reduce the risk of injury or property damage from falling branches, remove deadwood that can serve as nesting sites for insects and diseases, and eliminate branches growing too close to structures like power lines.

Here are some of the key benefits tree pruning offers:

Improved Structure: Removing damaged, diseased, or weak limbs will improve the overall structure of your trees and make them look more attractive. This is especially important when it comes to large trees with heavy limb loads.

Reduced Hazards: Pruning away branches that could cause injury if they break off helps keep people and property safer than if left not pruned.

Improved Air Circulation: Pruning helps promote better airflow through the canopy of a tree, which can reduce conditions favorable to disease and insect infestation.

Improved Light Penetration: Trimming away branches that block sunlight from reaching the ground below will help create healthier environments for grass, plants, and shrubs growing beneath your trees.

How To Prune Trees Correctly

When it comes to pruning trees there are some key guidelines you should follow in order to ensure that you do it right. Here are some tips to help make sure your tree care is as safe and effective as possible:

Have a Plan – Before starting any pruning project, be sure to assess the situation and come up with a plan. Also be sure to consider the tree’s health, its location, and what you want to achieve by pruning it.

Use the Right Tools – Always use good quality pruning tools that are in good condition. Things like saws, loppers, shears, and pole pruners should all be sharpened regularly so they make clean cuts with minimal trauma to the tree.

Prune Properly – Make sure to only remove branches that are dead or damaged, growing too close to buildings or power lines, crossing each other, or rubbing against one another. Don’t remove more than one third of a tree’s crown at once and avoid cutting off large limbs in one fell swoop as this can damage the tree.

Tree Pruning Guidelines are Key

Tree pruning can be beneficial to your trees and landscape, but only if done properly. Following the guidelines above will help ensure that your tree pruning is safe and effective. If you have any concerns or questions about tree pruning, contact a professional tree service for advice before attempting any work on your own. Professional arborists are trained in the proper techniques of tree care and can help you better understand the best way to take care of your trees.  With their expertise, you can be sure that your trees will remain healthy and beautiful for years to come!

Are you ready to schedule tree pruning service while your trees are still dormant? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for tree pruning services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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The Advantages of Tree Pruning in Winter
Why You Should Remove Tree Branches That Overhang the Roof
The ANSI Standards for Tree Pruning

How to Care for Trees Before and After Storms

Central Indiana has seen a significant amount of rain and thunderstorms as of late. For many home and business owners, this increase in thunderous precipitation has had a negative impact on landscaping trees. Because trees are such important assets, and therefore investments, it is important to take good care of them before and after a thunderstorm.

Continue reading to learn how to care for trees before and after storms, plus which company to trust in central Indiana for superior tree removal and tree care services.

Storm Damage Tree Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-783-2518
Storm Damage Tree Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-783-2518

Storm Season Tree Care

Although tornado and thunderstorm season typically occurs between April and June in Indiana, you never know when a series of threatening rainstorms will sweep through the Hoosier state. Severe weather and rainstorms can wreak havoc on trees, causing broken branches, uprooting, and trees that have fallen on power lines, houses, buildings, vehicles, and roadways.

Fortunately, there are ways to protect your trees against inclement weather like tornado and thunderstorms, both before and after they occur.

Storm Damage Preventative Maintenance for Trees

Before the storm comes, there are several things you can do to ensure the safety and security of your landscaping trees. Pruning is one of the best and most effective methods for abating storm damage in trees. It is important to have your landscaping trees and evaluated by a licensed arborist or tree care professional to assess their vulnerability to storm damage and other external threats and hazards.

Another effective strategy for storm damage tree protection is cabling embracing. Young or newly planted trees are the best candidates for cabling embracing because they are the most vulnerable to the high winds generated in thunderstorms. It may also be necessary to cable embrace trees that are leaning, dying, or declining in health. These two are also vulnerable to storm damages.

When planting trees on your property, it is important to keep them out of range of power lines and telephone poles. If the big storm comes through and knocks the tree down, it will disrupt the local power within the community and risk catching fire.

After planting your trees, it is important to begin a routine tree pruning plan while they’re still young. This will create strong, healthy, and robust trees in maturity. Trees in such quality condition will be more resistant to inclement weather conditions like tornadoes and thunderstorms.

It is important to have your trees routinely inspected and serviced by a professional tree care company in Indianapolis to ensure they are strong and free of any hazard or disease. When your trees are in optimal condition, they are better capable of withstanding storm damages.

Post-Storm Tree Care

After a severe rainstorm has come through, your first step is to inspect the landscaping damages. In most cases, high winds and heavy rains and hail will cause leaves and branches to break off. In this case, you would need to do a little bit of yard cleanup then call a licensed and insured tree care company in Indianapolis for routine tree trimming service. This will get your trees back on track with healthy and optimal growth.

In more serious cases, you might find a tree uprooted, tilted, or completely fallen over. In worst case scenarios, you can have a tree on top of your roof or car. In these more serious cases, you would need to contact a local Indianapolis tree removal service for assistance with removing fallen, storm damaged trees.

Are you looking for a trusted tree care professional who can help you understand the best routine maintenance plan for your landscaping trees? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for affordable tree service in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We provide residential and commercial tree services, as well as storm damage tree service.

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Spring to Winter Seasonal Pruning Tips for Trees

Tree pruning is a complicated process for the novice property owner. Just one incorrect cut can lead to a lifetime of health and growth issues for a tree. Furthermore, there is a lot of conflicting information on the best times of year to prune trees. That is partly due to the different hardiness zones throughout the country. Here in Indiana, we are hardiness zone 5B and 6A, which makes a big difference on when to prune and when not to prune.

Continue below for a basic seasonal guide on tree pruning, plus who to trust in Indianapolis for skilled tree service at an affordable price.

Tree Pruning Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-783-2518
Tree Pruning Service Indianapolis Indiana 317-783-2518

Why Should You Prune Your Trees?

There are several important benefits of tree pruning. Mostly, pruning trees supports healthier, stronger tree growth and longer tree life. It will also improve fruit and flower blooms. Additionally, pruning trees improves curb appeal and property aesthetics. Overgrown trees can hover closely to a house or generate too much yard coverage, which can be unappealing and even lower property value. Another reason why pruning is beneficial for trees is safety. Overgrown trees can disrupt power lines, which can lead to fallen telephone poles, fires, or electrocution accidents. Large, overgrown branches can also break off, causing blunt force trauma accidents or property damage.

Tree Pruning Per Season


Tree pruning can be beneficial for trees that bloom in spring. Spring tree pruning can enhance the flower growth and generate fuller, larger canopies. Prune them soon after the flowers fade away. Trees that bloom in the mid-to-late summer are also best pruned in the springtime, or even earlier in the late winter.


Summer tree pruning can also be good for trees if done correctly. Pruning off branches that you do not want to grow longer or larger helps to slow down their growth rate. That is due to less leaf presence. The fewer leaves, the less the tree needs to distribute nutrients to the roots. This inhibits growth.


You do not want to prune trees in the fall season. In the fall, the air is still contaminated with decay-causing fungi that can infect open tree cuts and wounds, and ultimately, cause tree decline. Because tree wounds and cuts in the bark heal slower in the fall, pruning will leave a tree more vulnerable to disease and pest infestation.


Winter is an acceptable time to prune trees, so long as you wait until the coldest part of the season has passed. Wintertime tree pruning is beneficial because it encourages bigger, better, healthier growth come spring. In the winter, trees are dormant, which makes it a lot safer to incorporate cuts, plus easier to spot problematic branches and limbs.

Spring Tree Care Checklist:

□ Pruning
□ Mulching
□ Watering
□ Fertilizing
□ Trimming
□ Shaping
□ Stabilization/Staking
□ Risk Abatement
□ Wildlife Protection
□ Inspections

Are you looking for professional tree care services near you? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for affordable tree trimming and tree pruning in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We provide residential and commercial tree services.

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The Advantages of Tree Pruning in Winter

Most would agree the spring and summer seasons in are the prime time to care for your landscaping and trees. But the truth is, it is important to pay attention to your trees during the wintertime as well. Winter tree care is highly beneficial for your landscaping trees in many ways, especially tree pruning.

Continue reading to learn all the advantages of winter tree pruning, and protocol for prompt and professional tree service you can trust in your neighborhood.

Tree Pruning Trimming Indianapolis IN
Tree Pruning Trimming Indianapolis IN 317-783-2518

Winter Tree Pruning Promotes Healthy Growth

Treat pruning is the practice of trimming and cutting back tree branches for the purpose of stimulating new healthy growth. This is why tree pruning is so vital for winter. The harsh conditions are influential enough on landscaping trees, but add that with neglect, in your trees are not likely to survive the season. Tree pruning in the wintertime is a common practice because it promotes vigorous, healthy branch growth come spring and summer. The best time to prune trees is in the coldest part of the season. By then, trees are fully in their dormancy stage.

A Haircut for a Tree?

You can think of it as getting a haircut for yourself; if you want your hair to grow and be healthy, it requires occasional trimming, as well as other forms of care, like routine cleansing, conditioning, eating a healthy diet, taking vitamins, and more. In a similar sense, trees require the same type of care in order to grow strong and healthy. And winter tree pruning is exactly what they need this time of year.

Why Prune in the Wintertime?

There are several advantages to pruning trees in the wintertime. These advantages are most visible come spring and summer when foliage and branches are full-grown and bursting with life and color. This includes flowers, leaves, and fruits. Pruning during the dormancy stage of trees also allows the exposed cuts to recover and heal better. This reduces the likelihood of tree diseases, pest infestations, and infections. There is also less of a chance for trees to wilt due to a lack of water. During the dormancy stage, trees to not require the same amount of water as they do during the growing seasons.

Ready to schedule your seasonal tree services? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for licensed and insured tree trimming and pruning in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve residential and commercial clients.

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Is it a Good Time to Trim My Tree?
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The ANSI Standards for Tree Pruning

Why You Should Remove Tree Branches That Overhang the Roof

Trees are valuable assets to any property. The older the better, and homeowners strive to keep their trees healthy and growing exponentially for as long as possible. For this reason, we often feel some hesitation when it comes to trimming back those beloved limbs of our favorite landscaping trees. But in many cases, it is absolutely necessary, like when tree branches get too close to the roof or other structures of your home or building.

Continue reading to learn why it is important to promptly remove or trim back tree branches that are hanging over or touching your rooftop.

Indianapolis Tree Trimming and Removal 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Trimming and Removal 317-783-2518

The Concern With Overhanging Tree Limbs

There are many reasons why tree limbs are a threat to roofs and other related or nearby structures, like chimneys, fascia, soffits, vents, and solar power systems. Not only can overgrown or touching tree branches cause structural damages to your most valuable assets, but they can also pose several safety issues for people inside and outside.

Structural Damages

Touching, grazing, or overhanging tree limbs can scrape and scratch shingles and roofing materials, which can lead to premature curling, peeling, shingle loss, and moisture rot. Overtime, this can even lead to holes in the roof, which can cause attic leaks and serious water damage.

Tree branches that overhang or touch roofs can also cause localized leaf loss, which leads to an accumulation of leaves inside your gutter system and on top of your roofing. Overtime, the sitting foliage and debris will develop excessive moisture, causing mold and mildew growth. Such growth, if never uncovered and treated, can lead to roof deterioration and subsequent leaks.

Safety Risks

When tree limbs are in regular contact with your roof or siding, they will eventually experience damage of their own. As a result, tree limbs weaken and wane, which increases the likelihood of them breaking off and falling onto or nearby your home. A falling tree limb can cause serious injury to people and pets, even if they are small.

How to Manage Overhanging or Overgrown Tree Branches

To prevent a damaging or dangerous situation brought on by overgrown or overhanging tree branches, begin with smart tree planting. Plant trees away from the side of the house or building, taking into account the average growth expectancy of the particular species you are planting. Furthermore, stay current on all routine tree service, including spring and fall tree trimming and pruning.

Always Hire a Professional Tree Removal Company

Never attempt to remove overhanging or overgrown tree limbs yourself. One incorrect cut can lead to a serious accident or damage to your property. It is necessary to hire a professional Indianapolis tree removal service to have any overgrown tree branches safely trimmed back and pruned according to ANSI standards. They have the proper tools, equipment, resources, and training to ensure your trees are safely managed, year-round.

Are you looking for professional tree service near you? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for affordable tree trimming and tree pruning in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We provide residential and commercial tree services.

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Is it a Good Time to Trim My Tree?
How to Identify Dead Trees on Your Property
Can You Prune Trees in Winter?

Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518

FAQS About Tree Care in the Fall

Just because summer is behind us doesn’t mean that our landscaping trees are through being cared for. In fact, right now is a prime time to tend to your trees. One of the most important things you can do for trees is care for them through all the seasons of the year. Continue reading to review some frequently asked questions about fall tree care to learn what you need to do this season for your landscaping trees.

Fall Tree Care Indianapolis IN 317-783-2518
Fall Tree Care Indianapolis IN 317-783-2518

Frequently Asked Questions About Autumn Tree Care

Do I Need to Mulch a Tree in the Fall?

Mulch is not just necessary in the spring and summer; it is also highly impactful to soil and tree growth conditions in the fall. Be sure to mulch around the base of your trees, around 2 to 3 inches deep, to keep soil moist and protected all winter long.

Do I Need to Water a Mature Tree?

Mature trees have slowed in growth, making them more vulnerable to the hazards in their surrounding environment this time of year. They are more susceptible to pest infestations, diseases, blights, and wildlife tampering. To ensure proper growth and survival, mature trees need regular watering, all the way up until the very first snow fall.

When Do Trees Need to Be Pruned?

The prime time to prune trees happens to be coming up very soon! Pruning is vital to tree growth and overall tree health, as it promotes vigorous, healthy branch growth come spring and summer. The best time to prune trees is in the coldest part of the season, before the first snow falls. By this time, trees are fully in their dormancy stage.

Can I Prune My Trees Myself?

It is not wise to prune trees on your own. Several factors go into the process of tree pruning, so it requires extensive training and experience, as well as professional tools and resources to implement the job safely and effectively. Attempting to prune your trees can put you at risk of having an accident or being seriously injured, and incorrect pruning can harm your trees. Even small trees that do not require the use of a ladder should not be pruned by anyone but a trained professional.

Should I Top My Trees in Fall?

Tree topping also goes by the names, “tipping”, “hat-racking”, “heading”, and “rounding over.” Sadly, many people believe that tree topping is an effective form of pruning. The truth is that it is not an acceptable technique at all. In fact, tree topping is the most harmful tree care practice used for pruning trees. It can cause a long list of damage and health decline, including bark and tissue decay, sunburn, epicormic sprouting, pest infestations, and more.

Can I Plant a Tree in Fall?

The arborvitae industry standard suggests planting trees in the fall or early spring. The reason why the rule of thumb is to plant trees in spring or fall is because trees are in their dormant stage during these times. During dormancy, trees require less water, sunlight, and nutrients. This means their growth is significantly decelerated, making it easier for healthy root development. Dormancy and cool temperatures are the reason why spring and fall continue to be the best times to plant trees. These seasons are more likely to produce a healthy, mature tree.

Do your trees look like they could use some TLC this Fall? Contact Complete Tree Care at 317-783-2518 for prompt and professional tree services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and residential clients all throughout the central parts of the state.

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Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518
Indianapolis Tree Care 317-783-2518